
quarta-feira, abril 24, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

When a lot of people lose a lot of money, there is a cosmic need for scapegoats and increased regulation.
A Gary Shilling, 2013

Regulation is strangling businesses of all sizes in California, and we've got to streamline regulation so it's easy, not hard, to do business.

“Another advantage of increased regulation is creating thousands of jobs for lawyers.”
From LCM Perspective, Seymour Lotsoff

The idea that you can regulate prosperity is a big mistake, a world with no risks is a more fragile one than a world where some people win and some people lose / make wrong decisions. Without trust we do much less than we used to do. This is one of the reasons the world has stalled. After 9/11, the amount of rules/regulation/limits etc… really prevents business to run smoothly. 

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terça-feira, abril 23, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

There are good reasons to own gold. And to buy gold, there is now a reason which did not exist a week ago: It's 30% cheaper.

Dylan Grice

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Ready Again

terça-feira, abril 23, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Transportugal starts on the 4th of May

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Today is my 46 birthday my Tanita says it'a still 29!

sábado, abril 20, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Sat, Apr 20, 2013
VO2 Max
71.0 kg
Body Fat
13.1 %
Body Water
58.6 %
Bone Mass
3.1 kg
Muscle Mass
58.6 kg
Physique Rating
Visceral Fat
Metabolic Age
29 years
Daily Caloric Intake
3,133 C
I already did a 4 hour morning ride and now i am going to party a bit with my 2 boys and my friends.

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Be of service

sexta-feira, abril 19, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.

Do something that genuinely helps others and makes the world a better place in a major way. That’s the way to have a happy, fulfilled life.

I agree with this line of thought. In my view there are only two ways to make a living

a)Do something on demand (supply & Demand are favorable)
b)Do something that improves the life of your client.

If you do the former and there are no barriers to entry one day you will be with no job (Even in Europe). If there are millions of people that can do what you are doing you have a problem. At the moment in Europe there is a huge demand to regulatory/compliance/legal & paper moving jobs. Those jobs have zero value for society. Everybody can be a compliance officer. One day they will be without job. On top of that deep inside you if you work in this kind of jobs you know you are doing nothing for society. 

If you provide a service or a product that really improves the life of your client you have job and you feel a sense of pride in what you do. You are making a better world. This line of business is more sustainable and can bring you more money and happiness.

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On the Saddle in the North of Portugal

quinta-feira, abril 18, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

This picture was taken in Hippikos where i spend the best Holidays with my two boys. Good food, riding 3 different horses a day, and an amazing view.

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quarta-feira, abril 17, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Only about 3 percent of adults have clear, written goals. These people accomplish five or ten times as much as people of equal or better education and ability but who, for whatever reason, have never taken the time to write out exactly what they want.

From the Book Eat the Frog

I don't have a clue if there is hard data supporting this phrase. 

However, in the Book What they don't teach you at HBSMark McCormack tells a study conducted on students in the 1979 Harvard MBA program. In that year, the students were asked, "Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?" Only three percent of the graduates had written goals and plans; 13 percent had goals, but they were not in writing; and a whopping 84 percent had no specific goals at all.
Ten years later, the members of the class were interviewed again, and the findings, while somewhat predictable, were nonetheless astonishing. The 13 percent of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all. And what about the three percent who had clear, written goals? They were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together.

What might be the reason for this?

1.If you set a goal you must think a bit where do you want to go. Many people just live day by day without a direction. To know where you want to go is a big plus.

Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you havePaul Arden

2.Focus, if you set a Goal or two probably you are going to focus on those tasks. You are good in things you repeat over and over. To have a Goal makes you repeat over and over.

The secret of success is constancy of purpose.
Benjamin Disraeli

I have some goals but not big goals. I have a weight target, i have a classification goal on the mountain bike Transportugal, etc.... but i don't have a goal like i want to be..... after this i will set some more intermediate goals.

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I should stick with him!

terça-feira, abril 16, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

The moment i was surpassed by José Silva the guy who ultimately won the race. I finished 35th 45 minutes behind him. Of course i could not keep up with him. Very thin guy a true professional.

Need to lose some more weight!

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terça-feira, abril 16, 2013 David Barradas 1 Comments

Screen Shot 2013 04 16 at 5.27.33 AM

I find your lack of faith disturbing

– Darth Vader, Star Wars 

If Gold tomorrow went to USD 100 what would i do? I would buy more, i don't see the end of printing.soon. 

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Easy step to improve your life

segunda-feira, abril 15, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier

Out of the approximately 10,000 news stories you have read in the last 12 months, name one that – because you consumed it – allowed you to make a better decision about a serious matter affecting your life, your career or your business?

From the Guardian

I agree completely with this article. You benefit from reading a book but the news is just noise. I stopped watching TV at home. I see movies with my kids and Eurosport.

I read a lot but i don't buy newspapers. It's much better to analyse hard data than to ear opinions and small facts of the day.

To me news is like small health problems, almost every week i have some health problem. Normally next day it's gone. So it doesn't make sense to go to see the doctor every time i have a small problem. If it persists perhaps!

News of the Day are completely irrelevant, it's just noise.  Stop stressing. Protect your health and your brain. Turn off the TV.

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Working on the Saddle

segunda-feira, abril 15, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Last Weekend in Serpa. 

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Finished my first race of the season

segunda-feira, abril 15, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

I raced the Ultra marathon of Serpa Saturday

Finished 35th among some 300 finishers, best time ever, 7h14 (previous best 7h33). Burned some 5000 calories. My average pulse was 150, i spent the first 3 hours above 160.

the course was 165 k with some 2800 mts of climbs. Not technical at all.

I started fast with second group. felt ok until km 91 where i stop to refill the camel back with water. I only stopped 2 minutes at this check point in all the race to refill and took 1 banana. I pee while traversing a small river without stopping!

I ate only seeds, dates, figs & almonds. Ate some electrolytes every hour to prevent cramps.

Unfortunately after km 91 i started to have small cramps in the back of my stronger leg (right), i became a bit alarmed because i still had some 80 k in front of me!

I cruised to the finish line. I know i can do more. i will do more.

what was the problem? After thinking a bit, Sunday i spend some time in my Garage and checked the distance between the saddle and the pedals in my new bike. And it turns out 97 cm vs 96 in my oldest bike. This difference made all the race very uncomfortable. If it wasn't the help of my friend João Miguel Garcia, who finished 34th i would probably would slowly cruised until the finish line. I thank him for the help, we rode together for almost 7 hours.

I know i can do better than this.

Final board

At the Start

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First race of the season

sexta-feira, abril 12, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments


Serpa Portugal 165 km mountain Bike Ultra marathon
start at 8 am Saturday 13th
My plan is to dinner at home at 7 pm and then drive to Serpa for 3 hours
After the briefing i am planning to be in the Hotel in bed at mid night after checking the bike
Wake up at 5 to eat a proper meal
back to bed a bit more, 
leave for the start very early because i want to start from the front. (More than 500 people)
I feel ok despite having eaten a very ripe banana that din't me too good this morning!
The course is not hilly at all 
Accumulated climbs 2,590 meters
There is food at km 23, 60, 89, 115 and 148
I plan to travel light and with summer gear (no coats, no wind breaker)

I will post the results Monday.

here is a Pic with my too good friends João Garcia and Cristovão Mesquita. With 165 km after the first hour you don't see a lot of people (i take my radio and listen to music all the way). This year they finished in the top 10.

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Be a trader not an Investor

quarta-feira, abril 10, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

The market is expensive. In the 10 years after situations similar than this you make 0.

Don't sit on stock's buy funds that buy & sell and that can trade around positions.

Don't sit, it's time for action & caution.

Graph from John Haussman Funds

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Better be beautiful than ugly!

terça-feira, abril 09, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Most people assume being good-looking gives you a career boost. But just how much does it help?

A lot. Good-looking people charm interviewers, get hired faster, are more likely to make more sales and get more raises.

From WSJ

In this article the professor says that it doesn't pay to invest in looks, because we are what we are. My experience is different, i think both on the professional and on the personal sides it pays to lose weight, get in shape and dressed up.
Do what you can, the looks makes a big difference. One of the reasons is that you become more confident. 
Even if you are dumb, because of the halo effect, very attractive people are perceived to be more intelligent. If we find someone very good in one attribute  we tend to also think that person is good in other things.

R.B. Cialdini says in Influence, 1984

In one study, good grooming of applicants in a simulated employment interview accounted for more favourable hiring decisions than did job qualifications -this, even though the interviewers claimed that appearance played a small role in their choices.(Mack &Rainey, 1990)

Because we like attractive people and because we tend to comply with those we like, it makes sense that sales training programs include grooming hints, that fashionable clothiers select their floor stuffs from among the good looking candidates, and that con men are handsome and con women are pretty.

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Flat line = Dead

terça-feira, abril 09, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

What is the problem with the world? There is too much of everything.

What is the problem with that? You have deflation, the prices should go down to raise demand

Is there a problem with Deflation? yes if you know that something is going to be cheaper tomorrow you wait

If lot's of people wait you have a big recession and the prices go down even more. You will get a big unemployment but at some point you reach an equilibrium. Very painful.

What is the solution?

I don't know, if you give 500 usd a month to every soul what would happen (Print & Give)?

I guess you would get a bit of inflation on hard asset's and the prices of everything else would stop the falling

after some years with automation prices would start to go down again and we would need to print USD 1,000 per person.

This is a kick the can solution.

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Join the public sector or leave the country

segunda-feira, abril 08, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

  • In simple terms the fellows managing France’s economy have organized a system such that the public sector can continually pillage the private sector.

    From Gave Kal

    This is not only in France, in Portugal the public sector has been robbing the private sector since the revolution. The smart move of course is to join the public sector or emigrate.

    The Portuguese high court just ruled on the basis of justice between the public &Private sectors that the Government can't cut the salaries of Public employees. The Judges themselves can retire after only 10 years in office! Justice!

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with 82 kg

sexta-feira, abril 05, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

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Always think never believe

terça-feira, abril 02, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Fast-forward to March 1st, when Cyprus's newest FinMin, Michalis Sarris, had this to say to
waiting reporters after his party's win in the general election:
(WSJ): "There is nothing more foolish than talking about a deposits haircut," Mr. Sarris
told journalists. "The important thing is to come to an agreement as soon as possible."
Exactly two weeks later, depositors were shut out of banks and left helpless as the new
government, at the behest of the EU, stole their savings.

By Grant Williams

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terça-feira, abril 02, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

What saved Iceland from mass unemployment after its banks blew up – or saved Sweden and Finland in the early 1990s – was a currency devaluation that brought industries back from the dead. Iceland’s krona has fallen low enough to make it worthwhile growing tomatoes for sale in greenhouses near the Arctic Circle.

Cyprus Has Finally Killed Myth That EMU Is Benign, By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, London Telegraph

People are much easier tricked into a loss of buying power through a devaluation than to cut their salary! However once inside the euro it's a ruin to exit it. It's a complete disaster. The solution? Cut the labor costs in the uncompetitive European countries and the process is the following

loose job
Unemployment go trought the roof
go to unemployment during 18 months
change perceptions inside your head
emigrate or accept a low paying job
Unemployment starts to go down

Problems: Minimum wage forbids people with low skills to get a new job in some countries.

The end result from a devaluation of the currency would be the same. You have a job but the money you get is not enough to buy anything.

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