I have never been to Ukraine or Russia !

segunda-feira, março 03, 2014 David Barradas 2 Comments

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.

I have never been in either Russia or Ukraine but my impression is that people who have experienced communism will never allow it to return. Only the people from Western Europe (Ex Portugal my country) allow Communist policies because they never experienced the real thing.

I bet Ukrainians & Russians will not let their leaders drag them to some stupid situation.

Life is too good to be wasted. Communism is a waste.

Hang On or came to Portugal. We already have good Ukrainians living and working in Portugal. No stealing, no robbing and no mafia yet. These people are welcome first they work well & second they can tell the Portuguese people how is a Communist country.

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/frankzappa163100.html#1HpK3bTbWjPOytFK.99
Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/frankzappa163100.html#1HpK3bTbWjPOytFK.99Markets are punishing Russia big time. As i said above i have never been to Russia or Ukraine but my view from a distant place like Portugal is that no one that has experienced Communism will  want to revive it. People will die 


2 comentários:

  1. Dear Françisco,

    My name is Simona, am based in Madrid, work for CaixaBank and I come from Romania. I lived for 9 years in a communist country, as the Revolution started in '89 when I was at that age...and people may say that I was too young, but then again there is no age "handicap" to understand and feel on your ownself communism, moreabout that all my generation's parents fought for freedom in each corner of the country. YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!! nobody knows how communism is until they live it on their own.
    Many times I tell stories about communism to my friends, to my colleagues and they often sit quietly and reflect about, afterwards, humankind is like.
    Have my best regards and congratulations on your so very interesting posts!

  2. Tks Simona i don't want to live in Communism but what is happening in the west with regulation/taxation& confiscation it is getting closed. best F
