The luckiest group of babies ever

quarta-feira, novembro 25, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. 
Robert Byrne 

Everything: medicine, education, you know, just the conveniences of the life, transportation, entertainment, everything is dramatically better than it was 50 years ago. In fact, I tell the students, these students in that class today are actually living better than John D. Rockefeller Senior lived when I was born. Here was the richest man in the world -- he could not travel as well as they can travel, he could not be entertained as well as they can be entertained, he did not have the medicine they have. In all kinds of ways they’re living better than the richest man in the world lived at the time of my birth. The luckiest group of babies ever born in the world are the babies being born in the United States today.

Warren Buffet

The fact that warren Buffet has to speak this words shows that this is not yet recognized. why? what is lacking? I think we are lacking meaning most youths that are being born now will not have a job or a profession. They will not be necessary they will not be needed.  They will lack a job a profession a destiny.

Before people were at least a piece of the production machine even if it was a minor job in a factory or office. These days many jobs are automated, many people have nothing to do. They get a check from social security, food stamps and some money from their parents. They spend 30 years learning more and more things that don't matter, taking Masters post doc and other futile degrees. They are not necessary.

To be happy people must be busy, when you have nothing to do you are not happy!

so my advice is to get busy

what are the occupations that are necessary and are possible to the average guy/girls

everything leisure entertain other people
everything outside activities, sports, games things to get other people occupied
everything manual that cannot be automated, massagist, mechanic, personal trainner, psychologist, priest, etc.....

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10 ideas about Brazil

terça-feira, novembro 24, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

1.They are in a bit of a crisis like all EM

2.In my view Dilma the President has some blame but not all. It's true that some well run countries in South America are better (Colombia & Chile) and some bad run countries are broke (Venezuela & Argentina). Governments make a difference but all EM countries are doing bad. see the link below

3.Center São Paulo is not Brazil (much richer) but the quality of the services is above many things in NY or London. Exemples: Restaurants the kitchen is top, the Toilette is extremely good taste and they have Manobristas ( vallet parking). The gym (Studio Velocity)is much cleaner than anything i have experienced, the supermarket EaTALY is much better than the one in NY in my view. Of course much of this things are luxury items not necessary items. you need many jobs to perform them and people could live without them.

4.Companies are adjusting & firing people.

5.Since car insurance is not compulsory people are very careful driving (you might hit someone without insurance). No one horns like in NY or Europe.

6. Government just issued new law that creates serious liability for the employer of house service people. Probably they are going to hurt the employees.

7. According to the economist Brazil has a very low immigration. why? Rules are not friendlier to high skilled immigrants.

8.In central São Paulo there are some of the best buildings in the world.

9. The best salad in the world is at the Cantina do Sargento at Pamplona Alameda.

10. What is the way out for Brazil. I think Brazil should invest in everything linked to food. Seed investigation, nutrition investigation, irrigation investigation, new plants, etc... Why? because each country has specialized, Switzerland in watches, chocolate & banks, Italy olive oil&shoes, car's& chemical's in Germany, luxury, tourism &wine  in France, Tourism &Financial services in UK, corks & Paper in Portugal high tech in US etc... Brasil has the best food, Mango, Coco, meat, everything tastes good. They should focus on what they already do well. They have soil & water & sun. They should go for it. Charge more for Made in Brazil food.

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Leaving for Geneva & São Paulo on Business

segunda-feira, novembro 09, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

One pic from this weekend. 

He know he is guilty ! fell into the Lake

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This is my opportunity

segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments


Nu couché

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The only way to succeed was to surround myself with good people

segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the FT

The only way to succeed was to surround myself with good people.” This is his life-long mantra, but he says many bosses do not share it. “Some think that will endanger their own job.”
Above all, he needed a great driver. “The first great pilote I talked to about joining Ferrari was [Ayrton] Senna, in September 1993, in my hotel room at Villa d’Este on Lake Como. He wanted to join, but only in 1994.” That was too early for Todt, who still had other drivers under contract. The three-times world champion joined Williams, and in 1994 crashed and died at Imola.
Todt hired reigning world champion Michael Schumacher, who would become a dear friend. “How did we convince Schumacher?” says Todt. “The attraction was the challenge. He had won championships with a lesser automobile brand [Benetton]. We persuad­ed him that if he succeeded with Ferrari, he would have a different dimension.”
But Schumacher took years to succeed with Ferrari. That left “il Francese” — “the Frenchman” — under attack in Italy. Being a foreigner helped Todt ignore Italian controversies. Anoth­er of his gifts helped too: he had mastered Italian in six months. He learnt it as he had German and English: not in school but rapidly in practice.

From 2000 to 2004 Schumacher won five straight world driver’s titles. Ferrari ruled F1,

All the world is competitive but in many places the difference between being nº1 and nº2 are huge. F1 is one of those cases,  to be nº1 it's a different league. You really need the best people and you can push them.

In business not everybody wants to be the best, sometimes you can live by being competent and reliable and simple to survive. I don't need to have a Ferrari. 

If you are different you can survive because if you are different no one is like you and for sure someone will buy what you do.

Having said this i believe as Jean Todt (was to surround myself with good people) you have to let go the bad people in your organization every year and try to hire the best you can find. For the best people you need to pay them. With this strategy these people will move the organization forward.

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Why EM are not emerging ?

segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Because people in the EM want to buy i-phones not the local brand.

As simple as that, people want the best and the best is not in EM. 

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First Big Wave Day of this season in Portugal ! Nazare 1st of November

segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

one from last year

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