Thought of the Day

segunda-feira, março 26, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

If you ask the advice of enough people you are almost sure to end up by doing nothing.

The only person really qualified to advise you as to what you can do is yourself. You know yourself better than anyone does. You, and you alone, know how determined you are to make a success of the undertaking. And in the last analysis, about 90% of being successful in business is that indefinable thing which for lack of a better name we call “guts”. If you have the “guts” to work eighteen hours a day if need be; if you have the “guts” to go without pocket money in order to carry your business over the rough spot; if you have the “guts” to stick when others say you are just wasting your time, it is a pretty good bet that you will succeed, because that is the stuff from which success is made.

F.C.Minaker, One thousand ways to make $1,000, 1936

PS I like this video, I am thinking on investing in a a school with this concept. More pratical,the students have to learn to learn. The teacher is more like a tutor that helps but doesn't tell everything. The student has to figure out. Amazingly with this system the students are better prepared to keep learning for themseves trough life and the academic results (not the real goal) get better !

Geoff Mulgan: A short intro to the Studio School

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