Not yet back to the Cave but...

terça-feira, agosto 06, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

The county’s district attorney, a fifty-seven-year-old woman with feathered Charlie’s Angels hair named Lynda K. Russell, arrived an hour later. Russell, who moonlighted locally as a country singer, told Henderson and Boatright that they had two options. They could face felony charges for “money laundering” and “child endangerment,” in which case they would go to jail and their children would be handed over to foster care. Or they could sign over their cash to the city of Tenaha, and get back on the road. “No criminal charges shall be filed,” a waiver she drafted read, “and our children shall not be turned over to CPS,” or Child Protective Services.

Well no surprise here, in Europe is the same, almost everything you do is a crime. Therefore you are a criminal! therefore the cops offer you a bargain, either you pay and go free or.....

I guess Ayn Rand Altas Shrugged predicted almost everything we are getting in....

Not yet back to the Caves but...

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