Happiness = Health + Freedom

segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2014 David Barradas 1 Comments

As luck would have it, the good habits that make you healthy and energetic help to make you happy at the same time, so it’s a double win.

Scott Adams


I agree 100% with Scott Adams. I think the best investment you can make is to stay healthy. Why? Because when you are healthy and in good shape you fell happy, confident and the people you interact with notice it. In my country the Ministry of Health should be called the Ministry of Sickness because they only care about the sick people. The Ministry of Sports (Doesn't exist) should be the real Health Ministry.

How do you stay Healthy? Health = movement+don't eat to much garbage food

If you move 90% of your Health problems disappear. Just move a bit every day on top of that my experience indicates that if you move depression disappears almost for ever. 

To move is something that you can control, to stay healthy is something that you can control, many things in life are out of our control. This is in our control. So do it and be Happy.

1 comentário:

  1. That's a F...... good advise dear Francisco. Keep moving. Life its what you do, what you want
