Forget about balanced life

quarta-feira, fevereiro 26, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

From HBR, Embrace Work-Life Imbalance
Hard work may be your most important career weapon. Indeed, once you are smart-enough or qualified to do a job, only hard work will distinguish you from everyone else. Workaholics tend to have higher social status in every society, including laidback cultures like those found in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, or South America. Every significant achievement in civilization (from art to science to sport) is the result of people who worked a lot harder than everyone else, and also happened to be utterly unconcerned about maintaining work-life balance. Exceptional achievers live longer, and they pretty much work until their death. Unsurprisingly, the 10 most workaholic nations in the world account for most of the world’s GDP.

"Everything in moderation, including moderation."

Julia Child

In life there is a big premium for being the nº1 in anything. The nº1 doesn't make a bit more than the nº2, its multiples. So it pays big time to be the best in something. How do you get to be the best, i guess focus in just one area of interest (Don't divagate to much), work hard and time to time push your limits. See the link below. In order to improve sometimes you have to be able to go to new places and do innovative things. That will expand your knowledge & limits.

Don't be balanced, be bold & obsessed

You become what you think about all day long
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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