Bill Gates on Jobs

sexta-feira, março 14, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

From Business Insider
Big changes are coming to the labor market that people and governments aren't prepared for, Bill Gates believes. Speaking at Washington, D.C., economic think tank The American Enterprise Institute on Thursday, Gates said than within 20 years, a lot of jobs will go away, replaced by software automation ("bots" in tech slang, though Gates used the term "software substitution").
This what he said:
"Software substitution, whether it's for drivers or waiters or nurses … it's progressing. ...  Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set. ...  20 years from now, labor demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower. I don’t think people have that in their mental model."
He's not the only one predicting this gloomy scenario for workers. In January, the Economist ran a big profile naming over a dozen jobs sure to be taken over by robots in the next 20 years, including telemarketers, accountants and retail workers.

He's not the only one predicting this gloomy scenario for workers. In January, the Economist ran a big profile naming over a dozen jobs sure to be taken over by robots in the next 20 years, including telemarketers, accountants and retail workers.

Read more:

Well what to do?  Buy the computer company shares or study code.

For the governments there isn't much they can do. If Government ends taxes on workers prompting companies to hire instead of buying a Robot those companies would be less competitive and would go bankrupt.

The way is to tax heavily those who have jobs and pay people to do nothing. More on people living all their life from the state subsidy.

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