If you have kids read this!

quinta-feira, agosto 07, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

From WSJ, 

Programming Is a Trade; Let's Train Accordingly

If you're a young person who is thinking about becoming a computer programmer but can't afford college, you might think about skipping college altogether, says Ryan Carson, co-founder of an online coding school.
And he isn't alone. In interviews with other code-school founders, I heard the same story again and again: Committed programming students are getting jobs whether or not they have a college degree and whether or not they are starting careers or switching, midlife, from another field.

The only think that is in demand in the world is people who know how to program. It's simple. teach your kids how to do it. Do it now. 

To learn Economics or management as i did 30 years ago doesn't work for the simple reason that what you learn doesn't work in the real work! Yes you read well, it doesn't work. When you finish management or an MBA you are equipped to say certain words, (downsizing, synergies, etc...) nothing more! It's a bit useless, to work at a real job with clients, etc... you learn more than in a MBA.

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