“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick”

sexta-feira, setembro 26, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick”

Today the best-educated Americans live 10 to 14 years longer than the least educated, on average. “Nothing pops out of the data like the link between education and life expectancy,” Olshansky says. “The good news is that the share of the American population that is less educated is in gradual decline. The bad news is that lack of education seems even more lethal than it was in the past.”
Education does not sync with life expectancy because reading Dostoyevsky lowers blood pressure; college is a proxy for other aspects of a person’s life. Compared with the less educated, people with a bachelor’s degree have a higher income, smoke less, are less likely to be overweight, and are more likely to follow doctors’ instructions. College graduates are more likely to marry and stay married, and marriage is good for your health: the wedded suffer fewer heart attacks and strokes than the single or divorced.

Gregg Easterbrook, The Atlantic

I guess one way to live longer is not to die in the process. One of the things that increased the expected life at birth is the massive decline in child mortality. The same is true with all the other illnesses. If you can avoid dying in the process you might reach the normal age of 80 or 85.

I was very impressed with the fact that if you wash your hands & have a clean house you probably will have less incidents  (sick less frequently) and in result you can add (or take)  6 or 7 cm of height to the normal biological genes you inherited. People who grow in less clean environments can lose 10 to 12 cm of height vs people who grow in ..........

Each time you are ill and on drugs the growing process is stopped/slowed

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