Good Advice

quinta-feira, janeiro 29, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

"Speak little, do much."
Benjamin Franklin

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Just do one thing.

quinta-feira, janeiro 29, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Bill Gates: I feel stupid for only speaking English !

“Focusing is about saying No.” ― Steve Jobs

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. Alexander Graham Bell

I guess we teach a lot of things to our kids! too much stuff. They don't need it. They should do something very well. To be a specialist is something that is highly regarded and as Alexander Bell says you only burn when you focus!

Don't wander. Concentrate is my advice.

More about the same:

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Just do It

terça-feira, janeiro 27, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

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Buy Germany

terça-feira, janeiro 27, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the great Research House Gave Kal

According to Charles’s work on purchasing power parities, PPP between
Germany and the US implies an exchange rate of around €1.40. For France
it is about €1.20, and for Italy and Spain €1.10. So at €1.12 today, German
exporters are positively coining it. French companies are at last making
profits again, while Italian and Spanish firms have stopped losing money.

More entries about the same:

I see several positives for Germany

oil is down
German companies can get financing at ZERO!
They are already running a Current Account surplus of 7% GDP
The have the best companies in class/BIG get Bigger
Their clients (The south of Europe) will have a bit more money to buy BMW's

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Hollande nº2 ?

segunda-feira, janeiro 26, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Tspiras could not sleep tonight

Usually the radical left wing parties don't win. They are very happy for that because they can say whatever they want and never have to execute.

This guys have a big problem now.

It's not going to be nice.

When he lands in Brussels and no one will receive him his troubles are going to start.

From WSJ, “Today the Greek people have written history,” Syriza’s young leader and likely new prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, said in his victory speech late Sunday. “The Greek people have given a clear, indisputable mandate for Greece to leave behind austerity.”

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There are no billionaires coming from farming !

segunda-feira, janeiro 26, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

The facility run by Mirai uses towering rows of thin soil trays and exact measurements for temperature, humidity, light and darkness, to create 100 times more vegetables per square foot than traditional agriculture methods. The bacteria-free, pesticide-free environment cuts food waste by 30-40 percent compared to lettuce grown outdoors.

With such exacting standards crops are not the only thing being saved. Energy and, most importantly, water is being conserved, too. The growing method uses 40% less power and, through recycling in the closed system, 99% less water than outdoor fields. Other advantages include food safety and year-round availability, no matter the climate or weather.


Farming has been a terrible business. I don't know many billionaires (zero to be exact) that have made their money on farming. However with this technology i don't see many billionaires because there are no barriers to entry. What i see is traditional agriculture to have even more problems.

What we are seeing is tech killing traditional, but i don't see tech making a lot of money. I don't see anyone besides the monopolies & Brands making real money.

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Is it possible to win vs someone that works much more than you? YES

segunda-feira, janeiro 19, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Yang Wei, a 12th grader at this public school, steered me through the crowd. A peach farmer’s son in half-laced high-tops, Yang had spent the previous three years, weekends included, stumbling to his first class at 6:20 in the morning and returning to his room only after the end of his last class at 10:50 at night.

In Germany and in the north of Europe countries people work hard but not many hours a day, and of course never at weekends. In China, Japan and the USA people work much more extended hours. 

Did the best students in my College (i took Economics) did much better in life than the average student? NO

Who has the best product? unfortunately the best product is the product the client/prospect has the perception that is the best. That is the best product.

How do we create the perception that our product is the best?

From Al Ries,

In the marketing community, there is a struggle between two schools of thought. One school is focused on the product. The other school is focused on the brand.
The product folks believe the ultimate winner in every marketing battle is the better product. If this is so, goes the thinking, the role of a company's marketing program is to communicate the features and benefits that make a company's product clearly superior to its competitors.
The role of perception
There's no question Red Bull has the perception of being the best energy drink. The same is true of Starbucks and coffee. The iPhone and smartphones.

What else do we know about perceptions? They are very difficult to change. Once a person holds a strong perception about a specific brand, it's extremely difficult to change that perception.
Developing a better coffee than Starbucks is a simple task compared to developing a better perception than Starbucks in consumers' minds. In fact, it's almost impossible -- unless Starbucks does something stupid.Perceptions are difficult to change. When was the last time you changed your mind? How many Democrats became Republicans last week? And vice versa?

The Chinese work many hours but unfortunately for them  the perception of everything that is Chinese is not good.

If you work hard and have a good perception you can be nº1. You are CR7

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Why Germany is doing so well?

segunda-feira, janeiro 19, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

I guess there are two reasons:

For me the biggest reason is the fact that many German companies are the number one in their space, in their niche. And in the Global markets people can reach for the best and many times the best is in Germany.

On top of that apparently looking at the graph Germans have kept the labor costs in check and they don't need to destroy their economies to do an internal devaluation. In my country Portugal in order to cut the labor costs  the government had to destroy the economy.

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The big winner of the Euro experience is

sexta-feira, janeiro 16, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

DAX is above 10,000 !

Germany is the big winner of the Euro experience. As you can see the swiss despite having a strong currency are doing very well.

Have a wonderful weekend

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The Swiss left the Euro, who is next? Germany?

sexta-feira, janeiro 16, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

The swiss have a strong currency!

And for most of that time Switzerland ran a current account surplus, a
balanced budget and suffered almost no unemployment, all despite the
fact that nobody knows the name of a single Swiss politician or central
banker (or perhaps because nobody knows a single Swiss politician or
central banker, since they have such limited power? And that all these
marvelous results come from that one simple fact: their lack of power).
The last time I looked, the Swiss population had the highest standard of
living in the world—another disastrous long term consequence of not
having properly trained economists of the true faith.

Charles Gave from the Great Gave Kal

Of course the swiss have almost no unemployment, always had a strong currency, they still have brands, Chocolate, banks, watches & Pharma (since the move to floating exchange rates in 1971, the Swiss franc has risen from CHF4.3 to the US dollar to CHF0.85 and appreciated from CHF10.5 to the British pound to CHF1.5). The swiss have balanced budgets, low taxes and as Mr Gave says no one ever knew a name of a Swiss Central bank or politician! In Europe we are always talking about Merkel, Draghi, etc….with very bad results. In a good managed country no one should know who are the politicians. They should not matter.

Amazingly the Swiss still have local farmers / producers selling their products in the streets of Geneva!

What is the scenario for the future?If the euro is becoming the lira I guess the German companies are going to be the biggest beneficiaries, cheap BMW’s! Buy everything German if the euro is intact (goes down, this is the likely scenario) they will benefit the most. If on the other hand the Germans decide to do what the Swiss did yesterday if the euro implodes you have German assets (Like yesterday Swiss assets). 

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the only thing we need to teach our kids !

quinta-feira, janeiro 15, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Conscientious men live longer. Emotionally stable and “agreeable” women also beat death better, according to one long-running study.

That’s just what Joshua Jackson and colleagues did with the long-running Kelly Longitudinal Study, which began as an assessment of 300 young married couples in mid-1930s Connecticut. As part of the study, the late psychologist E. Lowell Kelly asked three to eight of each couples’ friends to answer a series of questions Kelly had constructed to probe personality.
Analyzing Kelly’s data in conjunction with death records—or confirmation that the original participants were still alive—for all but seven of the women, Jackson and team found that men viewed by their friends as more conscientious and open tended to live longer. The most conscientious men, for example, had about a 30 percent lower mortality risk compared with the average male participant. Similarly, the researchers estimated that women viewed as the most emotionally stable and the most agreeable had a 15 percent lower mortality risk.
Conscientiousness is the personality trait of being thorough, careful, or vigilant. Conscientiousness implies a desire to do a task well.[1] Conscientious people are efficient and organized as opposed to easy-going and disorderly. They exhibit a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement; they display planned rather than spontaneous behavior; and they are generally organized and dependable
What can i say about this! The desire to do a task well leads to a longer life! well i already knew that people who had this trait, self discipline, being organized and aim for achievement did better in their professional & sport life. But now  we have an extra bonus, long life.
I guess the only thing we need to tech our kids is to be organized/efficient and goal getting.
how to do this? i will investigate it

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Progress it's key, Perfection no

terça-feira, janeiro 13, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

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I am on Diet

terça-feira, janeiro 13, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments


Bike season is coming in April. I need to lose some weight.

I know how to do it? Cut crabs a bit( zero fruit, rice, bread & potatoes)

When i had less 8 kg

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What should i do in life?

quarta-feira, janeiro 07, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

The thing that isn't crucial is the Stuff you love to Do! the other 2 are mandatory.

Tip:Study something different from everybody else, if you are similar (same CV)  to thousands of other people you are can be replaced by thousands of people

TIP 2:Dirty jobs pay. Nice jobs, no. Too much supply.

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2 possible ways to riches

quarta-feira, janeiro 07, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

coffee, it turns out, cannot adapt to heat or fend off disease, because it lacks crucial genetic diversity.Although the selection of coffees on tap in your local cafe may read loke a guidebook to exotic travel destinations-an acidic brew from Aceh, Indonesia, a velvety roast from Vietnam, a mellow cup from Madagascar- all that variety hides a surprising fact: cultivated coffee is incredibly homogeneous. In fact, 70% of it comes from a single species, Coffey Arabica....................

it is an "Orphan Crop", largely abandoned by modern research. There is no Monsanto of coffee, no agribusiness behemoth that stands to make a fortune selling patented seeds. The orphan status allows small farmers in poor countries to make a decent living growing coffee for export. But it also means there has been  little investment in science, leaving the crop highly vulnerable to whatever nature throws its way.......

From Hillary Rosner at Scientific American October 2014

Of course Coffee is not going to end, if there is a market demand the supply will come. What is going to happen? Science & Technology are going to win. Reseach pays and the small farmers from poor countries are going to lose again. They will have to pay big time for the seeds or die. Now there is no Monsanto but it will exist in no time.

Only Reseach & Study bring measurable advantages in the marketplace. Those that don't invest in R&D will have big problems sooner or later. Ahhhh to have a brand is even better than R&D.

All this is very depressing for Emerging markets & countries that don't invest in R&D or marketing.

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There are no Miracles

quarta-feira, janeiro 07, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

You become what you think about all day long
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

America is doing great, S&P is near all time highs. In Europe only Germany is doing well.


I see Three reasons

1.In a Globalizied world people want the best and can buy the best. Usually the best is in Germany or USA.

2.Only obsessed people can be nº1. Today the nº1 can make more than any time in history. 40 years ago Pelé, maradona or Eusébio didn't make a small part of what CR7 makes. Frank Sinatra in a good night could gather 5,000 people in a room. Today Beyoncé can sell 1,000.000 downloads in hours! To be nº1 you have to work all year all the time. you must be obsessed. If you have a balanced life you will be poor.

a link about the same subject:

I don't care whether you're an athlete, a painter, a musician, a soldier, a politician, a physician or even a lowly investment advisor, you probably won't succeed unless you're obsessed with what you do. Obsession might be a kind of madness, but it's also a very valuable madness. Most of the great works and most of the progress of the world has been done by people who are obsessed. Show me anyone who has risen to the top of their profession who has done it casually or by mistake.

Richard Russell

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New Years Eve!

quarta-feira, janeiro 07, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Napping with António!

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