Is it possible to win vs someone that works much more than you? YES

segunda-feira, janeiro 19, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Yang Wei, a 12th grader at this public school, steered me through the crowd. A peach farmer’s son in half-laced high-tops, Yang had spent the previous three years, weekends included, stumbling to his first class at 6:20 in the morning and returning to his room only after the end of his last class at 10:50 at night.

In Germany and in the north of Europe countries people work hard but not many hours a day, and of course never at weekends. In China, Japan and the USA people work much more extended hours. 

Did the best students in my College (i took Economics) did much better in life than the average student? NO

Who has the best product? unfortunately the best product is the product the client/prospect has the perception that is the best. That is the best product.

How do we create the perception that our product is the best?

From Al Ries,

In the marketing community, there is a struggle between two schools of thought. One school is focused on the product. The other school is focused on the brand.
The product folks believe the ultimate winner in every marketing battle is the better product. If this is so, goes the thinking, the role of a company's marketing program is to communicate the features and benefits that make a company's product clearly superior to its competitors.
The role of perception
There's no question Red Bull has the perception of being the best energy drink. The same is true of Starbucks and coffee. The iPhone and smartphones.

What else do we know about perceptions? They are very difficult to change. Once a person holds a strong perception about a specific brand, it's extremely difficult to change that perception.
Developing a better coffee than Starbucks is a simple task compared to developing a better perception than Starbucks in consumers' minds. In fact, it's almost impossible -- unless Starbucks does something stupid.Perceptions are difficult to change. When was the last time you changed your mind? How many Democrats became Republicans last week? And vice versa?

The Chinese work many hours but unfortunately for them  the perception of everything that is Chinese is not good.

If you work hard and have a good perception you can be nº1. You are CR7

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