When the right is able to do right they win!

segunda-feira, maio 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the FT

Mr Krugman was equally relentless in predicting that austerity would lead to recession; indeed, he insisted that the UK’s economic performance would be worse than during the Great Depression. In April 2012 he warned darkly that Britain would “continue on a death spiral of self-defeating austerity”.
It was, he lamented, a “policy disaster” that would cause a double-dip recession and “cripple the UK economy for many years to come”.
In fact, there was no double-dip recession. The UK had the best performing of the G7 economies last year, with a real gross domestic product growth rate of 2.6 per cent. In 2009, the last full year of Labour government, the figure was minus 4.3 per cent. Moreover, far from being in depression, the UK economy has generated more than 1.9m jobs since May 2010. UK unemployment is now 5.6 per cent, roughly half the rates in Italy and France. Weekly earnings are up by more than 8 per cent; in the private sector, the figure is above 10 per cent. Inflation is below 2 per cent and falling. 


In my country the right government was unable to do a right wing policy. Instead they had to raise taxes because expenses are fixed (The law doesn't let you to cut salaries or pensions)  Probably they will lose the next election. 

When the left loses their hope is to prevent the right to do their stuff,  if they do what they should do they will have results. Communism always leads to poverty. It could take time but it's a sure thing.

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