Sell the Problem

segunda-feira, maio 30, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

This is so true. you just have to call the attention of your prospect for a problem that he may not know he has. Just do that and you have a fat chance of making a sale.

yes your first job is to sell the problem. If there is no problem why to buy a solution?

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key lesson for a cyclist ! Protect the Chain

sexta-feira, maio 27, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments


This is a pic from @PedroCardoso2016

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Happy 8th place

sexta-feira, maio 27, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments



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last stage

sexta-feira, maio 27, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments




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Why live in miserable and grey LONDON?

quarta-feira, maio 25, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

From Simon Kuper , FT

When people talk about the vibrancy of modern London, they tend to mean central London (known in the local transport vocabulary as “Zone 1”). But beyond that is what Doris Lessing in her novel The Golden Notebook (1962) called “London in its faceless peripheral wastes”.
She writes: “The street of grey, mean little houses crawled endlessly. The grey light of a late summer’s evening lowered a damp sky. For miles in all directions, this ugliness, this meanness. This was London — endless streets of such houses. It was hard to bear, the sheer physical weight of the knowledge because — where was the force that could shift the ugliness?”
No wonder that Londoners — despite having the UK’s highest incomes — report the joint-lowest life satisfaction of any English region and the joint-lowest sense that “things we do in life are worthwhile”. Most Londoners aren’t tired of London but they are exhausted by it.
Leaving aside the super-rich, London works best for young adults. It’s a good place to start building a CV, to find a mate among the endless assortment on offer and then to leg it before you’re sharing your bedroom with a baby.
The logical thing to do (presuming Brexit doesn’t happen) is to arbitrage the two: live on the Med and work for a London company. This will be an obvious decision for the next generation of knowledge workers, for whom the concept of a daily commute to an office will probably seem baffling.

I am on this i would love to live in Lisbon and work for a London company and eventually pay London taxes!  Yes there are some cities where you would only live there to make money. Is this possible to part time in London and have the weekend house in a better country!

i think it's difficult.

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How to hire the best ?

terça-feira, maio 24, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies. 

Napoleon Bonaparte

Trust one who has gone through it.
Virgil, The Aeneid
Roman epic poet (70 BC - 19 BC)  

I have been involved in sports for many years. I have never won anything, I have done one podium and many top 10 classifications but never a number one. One thing I have noticed is that the nº1 guy the winner is a special guy. It’s not for everyone to win. The focus, the effort and the give it all are out of charts. In a competition there is chaos it's a roller coaster of emotions the winner can control that. To be nº1 is to be special.

If you have to hire someone hire someone that has won anything in school, in college etc… the winner is a special person. Don't doubt that.

This is a pic of the 2012 EOX 240 km race. i did 3rd overhall!

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Why I love the GIRO

terça-feira, maio 24, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

I took this pictures from the great Business Insider

even if you are not a cyclist i think this Photos are so unique, the countryside, the mountains and the immense crowds along the road! 

One of the reasons i love to ride is that in a normal weekend ride we can do 140 k and see different parts of our beautiful country. If i played tennis or swim i would be confined to the tennis court or the pool. Not for me. 

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There is oversupply of everything !

segunda-feira, maio 23, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the Telegraph

The USA is facing one of the most difficult issues of its time.
The country is facing a cheese glut. Despite cheeseburgers and oozing deep-dish pizza being two defining culinary exports of the country, they still have so much delicious dairy product they can't eat it all.
US dairy farmers boosted production in recent years because of soaring dairy prices..........................................
The glut is so big that every person in the country would need to eat an extra 3 pounds this year to work it off.
It doesn't seem like this problem will go away anytime soon.
 The CEO of Dean Foods, the largest US dairy company, said last month: “US butter and cheese prices remaining uncompetitive versus the international market. We continue to see a decline in overall U.S. dairy exports.”

Why is this happening?

Nine Robots whose cost will decline over time if only because of scale economies can do the job of 140 full time workers.

Ben Bland, FT China Robot revolution

with robots that can work 24 hours a day without stikes or rest time we will have excess everything soon

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Fear only one thing! Deflation

segunda-feira, maio 23, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

What do i take from this table taken from CDAM Hedge Fund letter?

Bonds & Commercial paper make money in any environment, however they are subpar vs stocks in inflation & price stability.

invest 75% in bonds & 25% in stocks and enjoy the beach

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9 % FAT, How to diet without dieting

sexta-feira, maio 20, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

We never repent of having eaten too little. 
Thomas Jefferson

If you want to be in ridiculous good shape fast and eat a lot how can you do it?

i did it myself in the last 3 months. So what i am going to describe something that works. It really works.

To be in ridiculous good shape you need to do 4 things

a)A bit of sport every day with just one rest day per week. Walk 45 minutes is enough (i do bike 10 hours a week). After the workout, don't let 1 hour pass, drink a Whey shake. (Water+2 spoons of Whey). it is better to do something everyday rather than 3 or 4 hours every Wednesday.

b)Eat one pill  L - Carnitine a day. on the rest day don't eat

c)Don't eat / sugar

all dairy
pasta all kinds of pasta
rice all kinds of rice
sugar etc...

d)What to eat/ food real food

meat & fish
vegetables all of them
beans, peas, fava beans, lentils

Exceptions: If you want to eat fruit do it between meals. I drink wine every time i have a social event.

As you can see the most change in your diet is breakfast , you have to eat food and cut with bread, cereals, juice and all the sugar you put in your body when you wake up. normally i eat the leftovers from dinner. I love to eat real food in the morning. My kids think i am crazy.

Does this work? yes it does. can you keep this system forever? I can because i don't love sweets.

Tip: if you start this system don't do it 50%! Go all in. Be obsessed.  in the first 2 days do it 100% and then you will see amazing results just for two days. 

Good luck

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Rest day for a Cyclist

quinta-feira, maio 19, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

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I am Bullish on Spain

quinta-feira, maio 19, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

“Last year we cut income tax and tax revenues still went up,”

Mariano Rajoy

Spain’s Mariano Rajoy is promising a fresh round of tax cuts if he is re-elected prime minister next month, risking a showdown with Brussels over Madrid’s chronic budget deficits as he courts voters eager to shrug off a long era of austerity.

Apparently Rajoy figure out that after some threshold if you raise taxes tax revenues go down! yes down! In my countyry Portugal goverment from left to right have been raising taxes every year and the economy is tanking.

I am bullish on SPAIN if Rajoy wins

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Do more for others !

quarta-feira, maio 18, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

Anyone who’s become truly wealthy knows the truth – the only way to become wealthy, and stay wealthy, is to find a way to do more for others than anyone else is doing in an area that people really value.

Tony Robbins

This is obvious a good advice. Almost all the companies that are well do something, solve something make life better for their customers. That is key. Companies that really think about making life better to the customer are doing very well.

Besides this advice i would give 3 others that really are a bit technical but make a really difference

1.Control your costs? be the cheaper provider of the service, buy your competitors and after buying them cut the costs

2.Create a brand. Make people believe that your product is more than really is.

3.Kill the competition.

Yes that is the most important, to operate in a market where you are alone.

There are lot's of ways to make money but to make real money there is just one way.

To kill the competition, to be the only one. That is the key. Bill Gates and Carlos Slim aren't the richest guys in the Planet because they are good. They are nº1 in their markets.

If you invent a better product the competition will catch up soon and replicate you. All the advantage goes to the customer.

I guess that is why Google & Amazon are doing so well. They are using the money they make to improve their offering in a way the competition can't match. The market is approving this strategy. They are slowly killing the competition. That is the smartest strategy to do. To do that you can't pay shareholders right now. later big time but not now.

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4 items today!

terça-feira, maio 17, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

Recently, Exxon Mobil lost it’s perfect triple-A credit rating it held since 1930 as Standard & Poor’s downgraded it to double A +, leaving only Microsoft and Johnson & Johnson at the top
A Gary Shilling INSIGHT

Apple CEO Tim Cook will visit India this week and meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi, two sources familiar with the matter said on Monday.

Underdogs are overrated, Leicester city success should be celebrated but not sentimentalized

CARACAS, Venezuela—President Nicolás Maduro’s government said on Thursday that it would cut electrical power by four hours a day for 40 days across much of Venezuela to save energy, even though the country is already reeling from frequent blackouts………………..“Who’s going to replace our food that goes bad after the light is turned off?” said Ana Gomez, a 39-year-old accountant. “Who’s going to guarantee me that it’ll be the four hours the governments says it’ll be?”

The Wall Street Journal

My comments

Usually what is supposed to happen happens. That is why technology /information/ data/science are winning vs superstition, habit & tradition. That is why the machine will win vs man.

The victory of the underdog is not the normal thing the opposite is the usual. In Venezuela what is supposed to happen is happening, bad policies end badly. It could take time but the result is given. 

The big get bigger is a theme of this blog. Tim cook to visit Modi is a big symptom he does not meet with the information minister he meets with the PM Modi!

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A Holiday in Mud & rain!

segunda-feira, maio 16, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

5th Transportugal - Done

I just finished my 5th Transportugal ! I ended in 8th place between 107 riders. The only reason i did so well this year was because the weather was miserable during 7 of the 8 days and a lot of good riders better than me quit due to the bad weather. Things are never so bad as they seem. 

One of the days we started with wind, rain & minus 2 Celsius. However as soon as we descend the mountain to a lower altitude it almost stooped raining and temperatures climbed to 8 Celsius! So i did put some old newspapers inside my wind stopper and i started anyway. Many of the other riders missed this day because the conditions at the start were really impossible. (if you missed one day you are out of GC / general classification) Since the stages were some 6 or 7 hours of riding if conditions persisted it would be impossible. But things are always better than they look. It was my lucky day. Other riders put a lot of heavy clothing (leg warmers, winter coats etc... and had to stop to change and lost some 15 to 20 minutes. I just had some old newspapres that i got rid off in the first garbage box i found.

In perfect conditions i would have finished out of the top 10 but as i said i got lucky.

If you're going through hell, keep going. 
Winston Churchill

Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation. 
Jack Nicklaus

Crossing Portugal in 8 days, north to south; finishing in Sagres - the southern west point of Europe; 1000 km of off-road racing across forest tracks, gravel roads and steep single tracks on clifftops.
Racing from hotel door to hotel door, overnight stays in the best hotels in the region, excellent food and relaxed atmosphere all around.
No signs, ribbons or arrows to indicate the way. Intuitive flawless GPS guiding. You can never get lost and you are always sure you are following the right race track.
An innovative way of racing where each participant follows a virtual marked track on the screen of his GPS receiver.
Always racing across very isolated and peaceful landscape and in self sufficiency, no aid stations and all external support is forbidden.

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