Why live in miserable and grey LONDON?

quarta-feira, maio 25, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

From Simon Kuper , FT

When people talk about the vibrancy of modern London, they tend to mean central London (known in the local transport vocabulary as “Zone 1”). But beyond that is what Doris Lessing in her novel The Golden Notebook (1962) called “London in its faceless peripheral wastes”.
She writes: “The street of grey, mean little houses crawled endlessly. The grey light of a late summer’s evening lowered a damp sky. For miles in all directions, this ugliness, this meanness. This was London — endless streets of such houses. It was hard to bear, the sheer physical weight of the knowledge because — where was the force that could shift the ugliness?”
No wonder that Londoners — despite having the UK’s highest incomes — report the joint-lowest life satisfaction of any English region and the joint-lowest sense that “things we do in life are worthwhile”. Most Londoners aren’t tired of London but they are exhausted by it.
Leaving aside the super-rich, London works best for young adults. It’s a good place to start building a CV, to find a mate among the endless assortment on offer and then to leg it before you’re sharing your bedroom with a baby.
The logical thing to do (presuming Brexit doesn’t happen) is to arbitrage the two: live on the Med and work for a London company. This will be an obvious decision for the next generation of knowledge workers, for whom the concept of a daily commute to an office will probably seem baffling.

I am on this i would love to live in Lisbon and work for a London company and eventually pay London taxes!  Yes there are some cities where you would only live there to make money. Is this possible to part time in London and have the weekend house in a better country!

i think it's difficult.


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