Thought of the Day

quinta-feira, abril 12, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

There should be a law against making a career out of politics.

Most of the current generation of political leaders in the UK have gone straight from
university into politics and they have no clue about most of the issues
facing the people of our country and, even worse, they don’t seem to care.

All they want to do is to cling on to their seat and you don’t usually keep
your seat if you implement policies which are right for the country in the
long run but immensely unpopular when first implemented. Wasn’t it
the great Theodore Roosevelt who uttered the famous words (and I
paraphrase): You can do what is right for the country or you can do
what is right for the people but you can’t do both. It has never rung
truer than now.

Niels C. Jensen
4 April 2012

PS I guess if it's right for the country is right for the people in the long run. In Portugal we have a political party that has the slogan "As Pessoas estão primeiro" (people first). Of course they don't like Portugal and they don't care for the future of the country. They just want to win the next election whatever it takes. I don't like any party in Portugal.

Note: I don't care about politics and i don't vote because i don't believe in this system where you rob Peter to pay Paul.

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