Natural Chemotheraphy

terça-feira, maio 29, 2012 David Barradas 1 Comments

Almost all foods that we eat, after being digested, absorbed, and metabolized, release either an acid or an alkaline base (bicarbonate) into blood. Grains, fish, meat, poultry, shellfish, cheese, milk, and salt all produce acid, so the introduction and dramatic rise in our consumption of these foods meant that the typical Western diet became more acid-producing. Consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables decreased, which further made the Western diet acid-producing.
Why Do People Try Alkaline Diets?
According to some alternative practitioners, the shift to an acid-producing diet is the cause of a number of chronic diseases. Some practitioners recommend the alkaline diet if a person has the following symptoms and other illnesses have been ruled out.
·                        Lack of energy
·                        Excessive mucous production
·                        Nasal congestion
·                        Frequent colds and flu
·                        Anxiety, nervousness, irritability
·                        Ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries, benign breast cysts
·                        Headache
Although conventional doctors do believe that increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables and reducing one's intake of meat, salt, and refined grains is beneficial to health, most conventional doctors do not believe that an acid-producing diet is the foundation of chronic illness. In conventional medicine, there is evidence, however, that alkaline diets may help prevent the formation of calcium kidney stones, osteoporosis, and age-related muscle wasting.

PS My view is that if you folow an Alkaline diet you will feel lighter and better.

1 comentário:

  1. I have tried and i feel lighter but i don't have cancer. I think this Alkaline diet is a variation of paleo diet and at least does no harm. I am with you about the false hopes.
