We find heavier people in cold climates

terça-feira, maio 22, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

When we consider populations living in different climates, we find heavier people in cold climates, and skinnier people in warm climates. These people instinctively eat to suit their climate. Raw seal blubber in the North, and grains and fish in the tropics.
Since the 60's or so, we now have a vastly powerful way to create our own summer climate. Air Conditioning. We like A/C because we don't have to sweat. Why be hot inside or outside, when we can be in the cool inside.
Air Conditioning helps lower our core body temperature, which in turn ups the instinctive drive for more calories. Excercise increases core temperature. Ice cold drinks lower it. After a hot day laying on the beach, how many people want a huge suggary/fatty/starchy meal? Maybe a little salad will suffice. Long cold day in the biting cold skating or tobogganing, and I want hot cocoa, with marshmallows, lots of marshmallows, and I want it now!
I'd love to see a correlation of a graphic of obesity vs. some measure of the degree of cooling by A/C.

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