What is your philosophy about the markets?

segunda-feira, julho 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

The market is not about fact; it’s about people’s opinions and positions. Consequently, anything can be at any price, any time.

Steve Clark, Omni Global Fund in Hedge Funds Market Wizards

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In the middle you are doomed

segunda-feira, julho 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

If you are in the middle you have been in trouble, either you are highly skilled or have a manual job (hairdresser, Personal Trainner, etc....) If you have a low degree, work in some burucratic job you are doomed/vulnerable


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Top of the Mountain

segunda-feira, julho 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

Picture taken in the Oh My God, Ultra marathon. 200 k, 13h50m 4th place! From here i was going down during a 12k descent to Manteigas. My arms suffer a lot on the way down!

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Low yields forever!

segunda-feira, julho 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

The 30-year Treasury bond, with a recent yield of less than 3%, still holds value for patient long-term investors. Even when this bond drops to a 2% yield, it may still have value in relation to other assets. If high indebtedness is indeed the main determinant of future economic growth and further government “stimulus” is counterproductive, then a prolonged state of debt induced coma may so limit returns on other riskier assets that a 30-year Treasury bond with a 2% yield would be a highly desirable asset to hold.
Van R. Hoisington
Lacy H. Hunt, Ph.D.

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Staying young

segunda-feira, julho 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing” 
-George Bernard Shaw

He doesn't mention what he does for a living but it looks like he could be retired since he his 71!

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Life is too short

sexta-feira, julho 27, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don’t. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it.” – Harvey MacKay

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sexta-feira, julho 27, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

When you get in debt you become a slave-Andrew Jackson

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sexta-feira, julho 27, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

Strenght does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will

Mahatma Gandhi

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VW conquers the world

sexta-feira, julho 13, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

"The founding family’s controlling shareholding, and a blocking stake held by the state of Lower Saxony, where VW is headquartered, allow it to resist short-term pressures to pull out of any market that turns difficult. Rivals envy the stability this brings, especially just now, says Mr Winterkorn.
VW can cope with a collapse of the European car market. Others must make deep cuts—or perhaps even, in the case of GM (which has lost $16 billion in Europe since 1999) and Ford (which gave warning on June 28th of deepening losses there), pull out of the continent altogether"  from Economist


Contraray to the belief that Germany is just engeeneering i think they are very good in marketing. Prices are not cheap, service is very good and the models are almost unchanged. Porsche 911 almost didn't change! The same for Golf. Some other car brands build car's that look like japonese cars...... I would love to have an old 911.

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sexta-feira, julho 13, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible. Mary McLeod Bethune

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Ser Diferente

segunda-feira, julho 09, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

Ser Diferente A única salvação do que é diferente é ser diferente até o fim, com todo o valor, todo o vigor e toda a rija impassibilidade; tomar as atitudes que ninguém toma e usar os meios de que ninguém usa; não ceder a pressões, nem aos afagos, nem às ternuras, nem aos rancores; ser ele; não quebrar as leis eternas, as não-escritas, ante a lei passageira ou os caprichos do momento; no fim de todas as batalhas — batalhas para os outros, não para ele, que as percebe — há-de provocar o respeito e dominar as lembranças; teve a coragem de ser cão entre as ovelhas; nunca baliu; e elas um dia hão-de reconhecer que foi ele o mais forte e as soube em qualquer tempo defender dos ataques dos lobos.

Agostinho da Silva, in 'Diário de Alcestes'

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The more education you have the more Money you earn, on average!

quinta-feira, julho 05, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

1.It’s clear that the more education you have the more Money you earn, on average.

2.The people that go into Colleges/Universities are already the best before they enter. Through Sat Tests/ GMAT and interviews the Universities pick the best minds.

3.If the people who are picked to enrol in a University didn’t attend probably they would also do well because they are already the best.

4.To spend 3 or 4 year’s together with other smart people who will help each other in the future look’s useful.

In short go to a University to meet people and get the recognition. Don’t expect to improve from where you started. Pick the most difficult to enter where you will find the best minds. Make friends for life.


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Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first

quarta-feira, julho 04, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

Life is uncertain.  Eat dessert first

Baskin Robbins

Have you always wanted to visit Paris? Don’t wait,
go now. Snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef? Go now.
See the Grand Canyon? Go now.

From EWR

PS In this world we live in before Government takes your money away spend it well and fast.

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Want to stay lean? Don’t eat at night

segunda-feira, julho 02, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

Want to stay lean? Don’t eat at night

A study involving mice suggests that someone on a high-fat, high-calorie diet can stay lean with sufficient fasting between day's end and breakfast the next morning.



PS Nothing new but difficult to execute. In order to do this I need to eat properly during the day and at night I can eat just soup. Besides eventually getting lean, to eat less at night is very good for my sleep and in the morning breakfast is really nice. If you read the article carefully what the study says is to fast during 16 hours a day and eat whatever you want in a 8 hour period. The title, don’t eat at night is from the LA Times. I think to fast from 8 pm to 8 am is feasible.

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Expensive tastes better!

segunda-feira, julho 02, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

Researchers from Stanford and the California Institute of Technology recently asked twenty volunteers to taste and evaluate five wine samples that were labeled according to price: $5, $10, $35, $45, and $90 a bottle. The volunteers were similar to many of us: they were moderate wine drinkers but not experts. And after tasting the wine, they replied as you or I might: they liked the expensive wine best.
But, as you might suspect, the researchers pulled a switcheroo on them. The $90 wine actually appeared twice—once in the $90 bottle and once in the $10 bottle. The same for the $45 wine: it appeared in the $45 bottle, but also in the $5 bottle. But the tasters never noticed; no matter what, they preferred the wine when it was in the more expensive bottle. And this was not simple snobbery at work. Brain scans showed that the higher-priced wines generated more activity in an area of the brain (the medial orbitofrontal cortex) that responds to certain pleasurable experiences. And when the drinkers drank the cheap wines? Their brains actually registered less pleasure from the experience.

PS If this is like that why have a cheap product strategy? I guess only for products that clients treat as commodities and indistinguishable it makes sense to be the cheapest. If you can claim that your product is different you should not ask the cheapest price.

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