How to be Unhappy

quarta-feira, agosto 29, 2012 David Barradas 4 Comments

The pursuit of happiness is as old as modern civilization. Books, elixers, religions, and philosophies are all devoted to it. Happiness is a quest, an obsession, and a universal aspiration.
But what does it take to be unhappy?
In some ways, it’s easier than happiness itself. New research and much life experience offers a simple recipe for genuine discontent.

1.Buy things you can’t afford or don’t want
2.Compare yourself to others
3.Take no joy in the journey
4.Respond instead of initiate
5.Allow other people to determine your values and priorities
6.Refuse to challenge yourself
7.Whine and complain to anyone who will listen
8.Focus only on yourself

I would add

10.Be perfectionist
11.Plan too much
12.Pay too much attention to minor aches and temporary body pain

4 comentários:

  1. Happiness can't be seen as a goal for there's not such an eternal state of mind.
    There are happy moments that people need to have as a pattern so that they can relate to their daily needs,but nothing is permanent.
    It is an obsession if people only have that as a goal, but then, anything can be an obsession as long as it is a persistant thought.
    Happiness is needed as it is a healthy state of mind, but that's all it can be : a moment, an ephemeral state of mind that one can relate to life in a healthy way :-)

    The bear photo makes me sad :-(

  2. Adorei estas dicas para a "infelicidade" as que tu acrescentatse também me dizem muito. O problema disto é que mesmo estando consciente disto nós insistimos em padrões. No entanto já risquei da lista o "take no joy in the journey" I'm taking more joy in the journey everyday :) mas o "settle" é q me mata. Obrigada por nos forçares a reflectir sobre a vida todos os dias nem que seja por 2 seg.

    1. be perfectionist/want everything in my way is a certain to be unhappy. Take what you have, try to improve but don't be sad by not having everything.
      Não querer tudo já!

  3. To be happy is a fundamental human need. It is something inherent to the human being. And the only thing that can fully respond to such need is... feel happy / fullfiled, such as water quenches our thirst or food satisfies our hunger.
    I do not feel that happinness is a "state of mind", but instead a "state of the heart". The mind thinks, the heart feels. We feel unhappy or happy in our "hearts".
    The question is: how can we reach that happiness? Well, if the need is inherent and was built in, then there must be a way to "quench that thirst"...
    Joao F.
