
quinta-feira, agosto 30, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

My early work demonstrated that the most important factor in determining weather or not a society does well or remains impoverished is not natural resources, education, quality health care, or even the work ethic of its people. What matters most in determining economic outcomes is actually trustworthiness - a moral consideration. That’s the insight that led me to the moral Molecule.

Paul J. Zak

PS Why we are we an unprecedented crisis in the developed world?  Because after 9/11 the governments increased regulation, controls, compliance, security, registration, and rules in a way that these days you trust no one anymore. When you are reluctant to trust it’s difficult to do business. And these days it’s difficult to do business. The more everybody suspects everybody the more the world will stall.
The Moral Molecule: the new science of what makes us good or evil

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