Just smile, it helps a lot

quinta-feira, maio 23, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

The researchers found that physical attractiveness had a significant impact on how much people got paid, how educated they were, and how they evaluated themselves. Basically, people who were rated good-looking made more money, were better educated and were more confident. But the effects of a person's intelligence on income were stronger than those of a person's attractiveness.
"We can be somewhat heartened by the fact that the effects of general intelligence on income were stronger than those of facial attractiveness," said Judge. "It turns out that the brainy are not necessarily at a disadvantage to the beautiful, and if one possesses intelligence and good looks, then all the better."


I believe that most of our decisions are made with the first impression. Then after we decided what to do (like/buy/hire....) we do some work to justify what we already know. Since so much is decided on the first looks/impression i think the way you are dressed / the looks and the smile are key for your success in life.

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