Trans-Portugal last report

terça-feira, maio 14, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

I did finish my 4th Trans-Portugal in a row!

They called themselves the Ultimate Endurance Race! Crossing Portugal in 9 days, 1150 Km off road racing across forest tracks, gravel roads and some steep single track's of Old Roman Roads!

This year i finish in the 9 th place the same as last year.

The final classification is always important but i care more about my own race.

In 2010 i did an average speed of 18,41 km/h
In 2011, did 19,68 km/h
In 2012, did 20,49 km/h
and this year did 21,21 km/h despite being sick with a stomach virus in the last 2 days. There was a virus than send some 10 riders back home earlier and annoyed some other (me) with vomit and stomach problems.

Some data points:

1.The weight is very important, i started this year with 71 kg (7 less than last year). I hired a very good sports Nutritionist.
2.I chose very resistant tyres, they are heavy but zero punctures.
3.I become almost veggan because i feel i am less prone to sickness and the recovery from an effort is easier.
4.I work with my coach, Nuno Sabido, since 2010 and the results are slow but steady. We are doing each year a different work and now i can do things impossible 2 years ago!
5.In the race the most important thing is to finish. Some people forget this and have one bad day in 9 and the final result is destroyed.
6.No one will help you! You have to count on yourself.
7.water is the most important thing in the world, if you have no water you get crazy soon. You can cope with no food but....
8.This year i didn't overeat during the race and i think it was a good strategy since i didn't put weight on the race. Sometimes since we burn some 5,000 extra calories a day we feel we can eat as much as we want.
9.It's very good to be alone 5 or 6 hours without speaking
10.For me the best strategy in each day is to start strong and fast, if i burn myself it's a pitty but if i don't i get a very good place. With this strategy there is not much left in the tank.
11.During the winter i rode every weekend with riders much better than me, i think that is very important to learn and improve.I thank my riding buddies for waiting for me so many times this year. (Some times I even try to train with the best Portuguese professionals)

Plans: This is done!  now i am going to take it easy during the summer doing some 1 day races and not much else and eventually to put some 2 or 3 kg.

here are the final results

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