Everybody is better off

quarta-feira, maio 21, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

Just came from 1 week of meetings in NY with Hedge Funds

some impressions

America is Cheaper than Europe
Americans work much more than we do
Take less holidays
Roads are a mess with many potholes
Traffic is a mess
Garbage is at the open in the streets to be picked up later
In many meetings people order sandwich & salads. The size of the servings is huge. Enough for 15 people in Europe.
Everything is old but works fine

I came across this yesterday from WSJ,  By NEIL GILBERT

When households are then divided into five equal income groups, the data reveal that average disposable household income has increased across all groups since 1979. The average household income grew by 40% for the middle quintile and increased by 49% for the bottom quintile...............

But consider everyone else on the planet: The American middle class boasts the fourth-highest disposable household income in the world. The U.S. finishes behind only Luxembourg (a country of 500,000 people), oil-rich Norway, and Switzerland, which stayed out of both World Wars and imposes the strictest immigration laws on the continent. The average U.S. family has 38% more disposable income than a family in Italy, 25% more than a family in France and 20% more than a household in Germany, when adjusted for purchasing power, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Inequality in the U.S. is not a struggle between the "haves" and the "have-nots," but a social friction between those who have a lot and others who have more.

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