What is more important what you learn in College or the people you get to know there?

quinta-feira, outubro 16, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

A separate study of 6,300 undergraduates at the University of California found that students today spend fewer that thirteen hours a week studying, while they spend twelve hours hanging out with friends, fourteen hours consuming entertainment and pursuing various hobbies, eleven hours using computers for fun, and six hours exercising.

From How Children Succeed


As the people who follow by Blog know i don't think college transforms a dumb person in a smart one. most of colleges do exams and pick and choose their students before they enroll. They were already smart before they get there.

So what are colleges for? 

1.Make new friends
2.get new working habits (do many things at the same time)
3.Eventually , learn how to learn a new subject
4.Get a diploma that is important to find a job. Employers don't know how to pick candidates so they use academic CV to sort them. 

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