Don't take notes, it ruins your memory

quinta-feira, novembro 13, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory
― Rita Mae Brown

A recent study from Michelle Eskritt and Sierra Ma at Mount St. Vincent University—published in the journal Memory & Cognition—suggests that when you take notes, your brain can intentionally forget because it knows that you've written the information down and stored it elsewhere. During the study, participants were asked to play the memory game Concentration over and over. The catch was that one group was allowed to take notes during the game. Halfway through the game, however, that same group got their notes taken away. When it was all done, the group that was not allowed to use notes performed significantly better.

Until today I used to take notes with the idea that one day in the distant future i am going to need them. It is never the case!

from now on i am going to take my Moleskin just for show off. No more notes. It ruins my memory!

However after reading the first quote i prefer to have a lousy memory, in fact when i recall the past i just remember good things! When i recall the Avalanche/accident in Mont Blanc where i broke my leg & other minor things I just remember the good things about the trip and the people who visit me in the hospital.

Nothing like a bad (selective)  memory!

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