Just do it !

quarta-feira, dezembro 03, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

if you get into Harvard it's because you are already good

If a college degree always means higher wages, then everyone should get a college degree: That’s the conventional wisdom encapsulated by Obama. But how can everyone win a zero-sum tournament? No single path can work for everyone, and the promise of such an easy path is a sign of a bubble.


A Reformation is coming, and its message will be the same as it was 500 years ago: Don’t outsource your future to a big institution. You need to figure it out for yourself.

The bottom line on this is simple. No asset is so good that it can't be bid up to the point where it's overpriced and thus dangerous. And few assets are so bad that they can't become under priced and thus safe (not to mention potentially lucrative)

Howard Marks, Oaktree 2013

No doubt if you manage to get into Harvard you will do better than average. But you will be no Bill gates, Steve Jobs or Zuckerberg. You will do good for 2 reasons:

1.if you get into Harvard it's because you are already good. People are hand picked, you don't get good at Harvard, you were already good before getting in. Harvard is a stamp of quality.

2.If you don't miss the multiple parties on Campus you will make some friends for life. That is the biggest asset from higher education. Party til you die.

The flip-side is that higher education is unaffordable to many and even if you are smart enough to land at Harvard you don't get much bang for the buck! It's not a huge deal anymore. Too expensive.

what to do?

start doing as soon as you can. Stop studying in formal education. Work & read & do some higher education sorties (some 2 weekends programs, etc....), study as you go, never stop studying.

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