Leisure has a good future.

quarta-feira, dezembro 03, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

Everything that is physically possible will be invented

Humans are capable of an infinite amount of progress. We can improve things without limit, and learn without limit. This covers not just material improvement but also moral improvement. We have to invest in knowledge non stop. 

The way to go is to study forever.

Deutsche Bank goes on to say that solar electricity is on track to be as cheap or cheaper than average electricity-bill prices in all but three states by 2016—assuming,that is, that the federal government maintains the 30 percent solar investment tax credit it currently offers homeowners on installation and equipment costs.................................

And prices for solar are expected to keep falling as technologies improve and financing becomes more affordable. Solar leasing has helped hundreds of thousands of Americans realize the dream of going solar without breaking the bank. The companies behind such programs—SolarCity, SunRun and others—take care of installation, maintenance and upgrades while the customer ends up paying about as much for clean, green power as for grid power from coal or other fossil fuels.


The future is some of us studying & inventing the future and a lot of us idle. Machines will do more & more. The future will be good. There will be a lot of spare time. Perhaps because of that NIKE stock is doing so well. Leisure has a good future.

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