1 year long hiring process

segunda-feira, abril 13, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

From FT

I remarked on how much easier and less competitive life becomes as you get older. Once you have got on the ladder you can go on climbing, no further questions asked.


Instead, it would be wiser to be more lackadaisical about handing out jobs at entry level, and then letting the only test that works — how people perform — decide who stays and who doesn’t. 

Luck Kellaway

This is very true. Companies spend too much money picking entry level employees, dozens of tests & interviews. They shouldn't. They should pick candidates with a minimum of requisites and then try them for 1 year. After one year the bad ones should be let go.

We used to run a program where if we have 6 positions to feel we would hire 12 and let go (compulsory) half of them after year 1. It was a 1 year interview.

The results were very good . I can attest to this method. I agree with Lucy the way people real perform is the only test that matters.

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