Unfortunately you can't “vote yourselves rich.!

quarta-feira, abril 01, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

(Bloomberg) -- Billionaire investor Charles Munger faulted Greek citizens for their notion that you can “vote yourselves rich.”
“It’s an idiotic idea,” Munger, 91, said Wednesday during the annual meeting for Daily Journal Corp., a Los Angeles-based newspaper publisher where he serves as chairman.
Munger, better known as the vice chairman at Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., has long been critical of Greece, saying in 2011 that the bailed-out nation has been hobbled by insufficient contributions from its citizens. Greek politics were shaken up in January when Alexis Tsipras’s Syriza party was voted in on a pledge to ease austerity and negotiate a writedown of some of the country’s debt.
“The Greek solution is idiocy,” Munger said Wednesday. “If we’re going to prosper, we have to work.” 

9:01PM BST 31 Mar 2015
Warren Buffett, the billionaire chief executive and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, has said a Greek exit from the eurozone could be constructive for the region.
"If it turns out the Greeks leave, that may not be a bad thing for the euro," Mr Buffett told CNBC. He said that member countries could come to better agreements about fiscal policy if Greece left the single currency.
"If everybody learns that the rules mean something and if they come to general agreement about fiscal policy among members or something of the sort, they mean business, that could be a good thing," Mr Buffett said.

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