Europe in 2035 ?

terça-feira, junho 30, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Fixing the exchange rate inside Europe was an “original sin” as countries
with different productivity levels cannot coexist in an inflexible exchange
rate system.

Charles Gave , Gave Kal


If Europe is a Country what would happen in 30 years?

I guess the best place (lowest cost) to produce potatoes is slowly going to produce for the whole Europe

The best place to produce car's (Germany) is slowly going to produce to .......

When there were exchange rates France could devalue their currency the Franc and Peugeot would survive.

In my country, Portugal, there are parts of our country that don't produce anything, people there only want to came live in Lisbon, they want to study in Lisbon, they want to work here. Those regions live from handouts from the central government but that's it. Those regions are not catching up....they are slowly lagging.

The difference between the center Lisbon & the Countryside has grwn big time in the last 30 years.

That is the way i see Europe.

Some places will produce almost everything and the Bureaucrats in Brussels are going to figure out a transfer system to keep the poor zones of Europe alive. In Portugal i see tourism, Wine & the Florida of Europe.

Yes if you have money you don't want to live in Germany, you want to live in Portugal because of the weather, peace & food and of course the prices are very very cheap.

I am positive about the future but i don't see a future where every country has his car manufacturer anymore.

more about the same:

Here is a pic of a Place in Estoril where you could live (not cheap) in front of the Ocean. You could go down and have a swim in the beach. This is Florida of Europe.

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