Just a beautiful software

segunda-feira, junho 15, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Yesterday i used UBER

it was cheap & flawless

3,19 euros for a ride that usually costs 5 or 6 on a normal cab. I followed the car until it reached my street and i went down just in time.

on top of that the car was clean

Calçada Necessidades 44, 1350-180 Lisboa, Portugal
Rua das Amoreiras 78B, 1250-096 Lisboa, Portugal

I asked the driver how can he afford to receive only 80% of the fee (20% is for UBER) and he told me he has been busy non stop since he started working. That is the trick, efficiency.The normal cab's are idle most of the time.

When a company can improve the life of their prospects they have a business. That is the most important thing.

Be of service

The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. It just works.

UBER has a business and naturally they will extinguish a lot of jobs because they are better and scalable and almost no human intervention. Just a beautiful software !

That makes me think about the future and the future is going to be this:


The Swiss will soon vote on a proposal for a basic income of 2,500 francs ($2,700) per month, following the success of a national petition........

The left has usually viewed such policies as a way of beefing up the social safety net and fighting inequality. That is particularly appealing in a world where technology creates unimaginable riches for some, but threatens the jobs of others. As early as 1964 James Meade, an economist, argued that technological progress could reduce the demand for labour so much that wages would fall to intolerable lows. In a world where a computer can suddenly make a profession redundant, those who have worked hard cannot be certain of a decent standard of living. That may justify more generous state support.

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