Robots ultimately may make better employees than humans in a lot of ways

quinta-feira, janeiro 28, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

From Dr. Ed Yardeni Blog

“Automation is inevitable. It’s a tool to produce abundance for little effort. We need to start thinking now about what to do when large sections of the population are unemployable through no fault of their own. What to do in a future where, for most jobs, humans need not apply,” said a C.G.P. Grey YouTube video as quoted in a 9/5 Barron’s thought piece. In the same regard, HBR warned that “we will soon be looking at hordes of citizens of zero economic value. Figuring out how to deal with the impacts of this development will be the greatest challenge facing free market economies in this century.” 

Robots ultimately may make better employees than humans in a lot of ways. They don’t need to take bio breaks, eat lunch, go home to see their families, or sleep. And you won’t find them making trips to the water cooler, getting involved in office politics, or otherwise losing focus from assigned tasks. They can work anywhere and won’t hesitate to relocate. They can operate in dangerous environments without requiring employers to worry about lawsuits. They won’t care, complain, or get frustrated unless they’re programmed to do so--or learn to on their own. 

Ifa man with a tractor can do a job of 200 man it's obvious that one day only 10 to 20% of the populations will need to work!

In many cases the biggest cost a company has is Labor. So if you want to cut costs you have to cut labor. Automation is a way to do it. I expect more and more people become without job. 

what will people do?

Some people will do R&D.
 Study for life. They will be well paid. They will program the computers, they will invent the Future..

Lot's of people will have cheap jobs serving tables, cleaning, driving, delivering, babysitting, etc...
The rest will engage in sports and other activities to spend their time, some will be depressed of course. 
many will figure out that they paid for an education that is worthless

The government will pay people to survive. That is the big trend.

With this scenario it's obvious that the owners of the companies and the r&D  workers that i mentioned before will make almost all the money. The rest will survive.

The left parties will win more & more. Their policies will not work of course.

I forgot, the sport Stars like CR7 and Leo Messi will make more & more money. Idle people will pay a lot to spend their time watching their stars.

more about the same:

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