Technology & Science will prevail vs Myth & fear, choose your camp

segunda-feira, janeiro 04, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

Nuclear energy: Beijing’s power play

Following Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, few western countries have been building reactors. But the UK is pushing ahead with plans for 16 gigawatts of new capacity by 2025 — compared with 10GW now — supplying about one-sixth of its electricity needs.

Behind this British nuclear renaissance are demanding targets to cut carbon emissions and a desire to reduce dependence on imported gas. Nuclear energy needs to be part of the mix because it is more reliable than renewables, which depend on sunshine, wind or tides, ministers say. It is controversial, however: many people are opposed on safety grounds, while some have raised national security concerns about allowing China to build plants in the country.

China is already on a nuclear building spree. It is beginning construction of a reactor every few months to meet a goal — made all the more urgent by Beijing’s smog — of non-fossil fuels providing one-fifth of energy consumption by 2030. It also wants to export its nuclear construction expertise and, ultimately, its designs. And it senses an unprecedented commercial opportunity in Britain.

Well i have no doubt that we need to embrace technology & science. Nuclear is a god blessing and we should use it as much as it make sense. The smart countries are doing exactly that. To me China is a smart country that did a miracle in the last 30 years of bringing millions of people out of the middle ages.

They have the work ethic and the drive, time will ensure China will be a superpower in everything. They work more, government & politics is a non issue and property is respected (sort off ***). With some minor glitches they are in the right way.

***If you are corrupt they make you disappear

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