Online teaching is the future

domingo, novembro 18, 2012 David Barradas 0 Comments

The best way to increase the quality of teaching is to increase the number of students taught by the best teachers. Online education leverages the power of the best teachers, allowing them to teach many more students.......

 Not every university can afford world-class lecturers in development economics, the history of Croatia, or pop art, but more universities will be able to offer such courses by supplementing their own lecturers with online offerings.

Alex Tabarrok

Last year, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, an online course from Stanford taught by Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun, attracted 160,000 potential students, of whom 23,000 completed it, a scale that dwarfs anything possible on a physical campus. As Thrun put it, “Peter and I taught more students AI, than all AI professors in the world combined.” Seeing this, he quit and founded Udacity, an educational institution designed to offer MOOCs.

Clay Shirky

I believe online teaching is the future because:

2.You can repeat over an over
3.Quality, you can leverage the best teachers
4.You can still have practical classes, campus, homework, Sports but providing the best lectures available.
5.Thare are no sick days and bad lectures (the teacher is not feeling well)

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