Just try to improve a bit..... and you will do well

sexta-feira, novembro 08, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

"The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." - Anonymous

This is the same idea as in the Book Mindset from Carol Dweck. This is a book that really can change your life. The idea behind the book is that in the fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities like intelligence are fixed and either you have them or not. They spend time proving that they have it and they don't like to lose because it implies that you are not so smart aftar all.

In the growth mindset, people believe that you can grow all your basic abilities through dedication and hard work. In this frame of mind people love to learn, to try new things and in result they really improve. Almost all the big winners in history are in the growing mindset campus.

In the bike my approach has been to improve a bit from what i did in the previous season, and that has served me well. Either on the nutritional front or in the cardio front i just have to a bit better than last season. And is not easy at all. But it's enough for me to do very well.

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