Not pretty but effective

segunda-feira, novembro 11, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Why, then, did weak teams play in a way that made it easy for good teams to do the very things that made them so good?

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This is a long article about how David can beat Goliath but with a caveat. David can not play the game by traditional/Goliath rules. If he does even with a top rate attitude usually he loses. What David can do is to play in a different way a way that put's David & Goliath at the same level.

How can that be? Well i don't have time to train properly for my bike (i can train up to 8 hours a week). So what i do is to focus on something i can do and it makes a big difference in Endurance sports.  Nutrition. I am a almost 100% Veggan and that has made a big difference. 

In another situation many years ago i was racing in a Canoe race in river Mondego representing BPI with Rui Nápoles my partner in the boat. We were in 3rd place with the finish line in view and the 2nd team some 10 meters ahead of us. The water was shallow (some 20 cm ) so i jumped out of the boat and pushed the back of the boat with my hands claiming the 2nd place in the race. Not pretty but effective.

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