Soon Government will give money away ......

segunda-feira, novembro 25, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

The table below shows how only those with incomes over $500,000 a year have benefited from QE. And the rich don’t spend, they save. The policy of getting money directly into the hands of the people who need it and who will spend it would be immensely popular politically. In other words, a tax cut for low-and-middle income tax payers, which is financed by selling government debt directly to the central bank.

13D Research, Kiril Sokoloff

Well i have written about this often. The worker's are being squeezed by the automation/Robotization process. Low & middle classes when they have money they spend. The rich when they get more money they save. The world has a demand problem, there is plenty of supply of everything but no demand.  One day  politicians will print and distribute a monthly check to everybody. Unfortunately that day is coming. I don't agree with this because earth cannot stand so much production/consumption. The option has to be produce less & consume less. people will have to live with less stuff. It's going to be a shock when people figure out that they are not necessary in the production process.....

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