Labor is losing big time

quarta-feira, abril 09, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

The American worker knows that "improved efficiency" is largely innuendo for layoffs, longer hours, and only modest pay increases (assuming you can convince your boss to give you a raise).
So far, these efficiencies have been lucrative. Widening profit margins have enabled corporations to book fat profits on modest revenue growth.
But how long can this trend last?

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You know i have written about this over and over again. A man with a machine can do the work of 100 man or more. If this is the case the salary of a man or woman must go down slowly but surely.

What can we do?

1.Do something manual that can not be replaced by a machine ( Bike Mechanic, Hair dresser, Gardener etc...)

2.Invest in the shares of the machine factory.

3.Invest your money in the companies that have the most machines & least labor costs. I guess the early adapter and of course the low cost producer.

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