Not happy at all

segunda-feira, abril 14, 2014 David Barradas 0 Comments

Saturday i had my first race of the season. Serpa 165 k

It's a mountain Bike race in a very flat area of Portugal. We climbed 2700 meters in 165k which is not very much.

I slept well and i was ready at 8 am at the starting line. I had breakfast at 6 and i was feeling nervous but ok. Everything was ok.

Despite being over my ideal weight with 82kg I started well and felt great (with some up's & downs) until km 130 with 6 hours of race. At that point i was with an average heart rate of 165! It's a lot for me. After that i wit the wall and lost the group i was in with Vitor Gomes and Tiago Gomes. They finished with 7h13 the same time i did last year. I limped until the food stop at km 146. I ate some fruit and drank some coke and after that i cruised until the finish line slowly and painful.

I was taken over by some 10 guys in the last hour. I ended with 7h28 in 59th place. My average heart rate for the full race was 161 which is a lot for my age.

These races are a big roller coaster because sometimes we feel great and sometimes i just want to quit and sleep. By some reason the brain changes his mood big time. The trick is never stop and never quit and don't pay attention to the brain.  After we cross the finish line and drink a glass of coke & some food everything is fine again.

Besides the fact that i am overweight i guess i did't  eat properly. With an heart rate of 165 i was burning 850 calories every hour. I drank some concentrated Hummer Perpetum  and some fruit every 2 hours. That was not enough. Sometimes when we are with 165 heart rate even eating is difficult. Next time i will make more carb drink before the start because it's difficult to chew, i was to tired for that! I didn't want to chew the bars i had. I was to tired to put my hands in the back pocket.

This pic was taken after the finish line. Not happy at all

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