"The way we think, especially about health, changes our health" Martin E.P.Seligman, Phd

segunda-feira, março 30, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

The optimists and the pessimists: I have been studying them for the past twenty-five years. The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events will last a long time, will undermine everything they do, and are their own fault. The optimists, who are confronted with the same hard knocks of this world, think about misfortune in the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback, that its causes are confined to this one case. The optimists believe defeat is not their fault: Circumstances, bad luck, or other people brought about. Such people are unfazed by defeat. Confronted by a bad situation, they perceive it as a challenge and try harder.

Learned Optimism: Martin Seligman on Happiness, Depression, and the Meaningful Life

Harvard psychologist Laura Kubzansky has chosen to study optimism. In a large study she tracked 1,300 men for 10 years and found that heart-disease rates among men who called themselves optimistic were half the rates for men who didn't. The differences between the two groups was as dramatic as that seen between smokers and non smokers.

Some ideas:

“Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.”
Dalai Lama XIV

“I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.”
Antonio Gramsci, Gramsci's Prison Letters

Optimism and stupidity are nearly synonymous.”
Hyman G. Rickover

“Optimists think badly, but live well.”
Marty Rubin

My take, obviously optimists are happier than pessimists. The question is can optimism be thought ? apparently Martin Seligman believes that is the case. I will report.

One thing makes a big difference is to think nothing is permanent and this i know it's true. everything changes.

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If you never fail what could you do?

terça-feira, março 24, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Sometimes the fear of  NO prevents us to do many thins. Ask more, try more. It's easy said than done. But the fact is that you just have to start.

If you are in sales, what’s the difference between making $100,000 and making $25,000? The main difference is learning how to handle rejection so that this fear no longer stops you from taking action. The best salesmen are those who are rejected the most.

Anthony Robbins

Each failure to sell will increase your chances for success at your next attempt.
Og Mandino
(1923 - 1996)  

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throw out the TV !

sexta-feira, março 20, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Now i have a solution!

Walk in a typical cafe in London, like other cities, and you might see a row of freelancers staring at their laptops, or people scrolling through smartphones as they wait in line. But later this year, Londoners might have another option: A cafe that automatically blocks wireless signals, so you're forced to pay attention to your friends instead of your technology.


I am addicted to Bloomberg and Nat Geo Channel! Fortunately i don't have Sport TV otherwise i would spend many hours seeing Football!

I don't see news! I hate news besides the stock markets.

I am sure i would be a better person if I read more, listen to music and spoke with my kids more (this is difficult because they don't report a lot. They ask if can do this and that and if i can give them a ride or time to time money)

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Marketing trumps product

sexta-feira, março 20, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

The Gokiso wheels the Kondos have made out of titanium and carbon fiber provide what they say is an incomparably smooth ride. Spin ’em on a test rack at 18 mph, and the bike wheels take six minutes to come to rest, compared with about 90 seconds for a high-end, resistance-impaired competitor. But it’s a level of quality few can afford: Each pair costs $7,900. In four years, Kondo has sold 30 and about 1,000 of simpler models that go for less than $3,300 a pair.

Japanese make the most clean, simple, efficient and beautiful products in the world. But unfortunately for them they are not good at Marketing. 

I could find many buyers for these wheels. Yes i could sell thousands of them. When you have something that is the best, the most expensive, the tallest, the fastest, etc... you have a unique position. 

I might enter the bike business soon!

 More about the same subject

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Disease Free forever

quarta-feira, março 18, 2015 David Barradas 1 Comments

Scientists’ New Goal: Growing Old Without Disease

From WSJ, A study that helped convince the gerontologists to pursue the TAME project was done in the U.K. and published last year in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. Researchers used data from a national registry of more than 180,000 people, comparing the treatment of metformin with that of sulfonylurea, another drug used for diabetes. They also created two control groups of nondiabetic people.
People who took metformin lived longer than those taking sulphonylurea, the study found. In addition, the people with diabetes who were 71-to-75-years-old at baseline and took metformin outlived their nondiabetic controls with a 15% greater survival rate.


I am going to start taking Metmorfin, no side effects and cheap! (metformin has been widely and safely used for more than 60 years, has very few side effects and is inexpensive).

If anyone hears about a drug that makes you sleep 2 or 3 hours and feel fresh and relaxed  i would love to use it too. So much time wasted sleeping!

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Still more money than Fools!

quarta-feira, março 18, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Beat Notz of Notz Stucki in Geneva offered me (Charles Gave) some invaluable advice. “Never forget that this is an easy business, Charles,” he said. “All you have to do is figure out whether there are more fools than money, or more money than fools. Once you’ve figured that out, you’ll know whether to reduce or to increase your risk”.

Of course it's not easy to figure out if there is more money than....! 

I believe we still have more money than fools. Why? Because I see many people that ask me what to do with their money. There is definitely excess savings in the world. Too much money. Very few opportunities to invest. Why?

There is excess capacity in almost any industry. OIl, Copper, car's etc....Excess capacity is a certain way to prices to go down and profits with it. Why invest in a car factory if the existing factories are producing at 50%?

So why the market is going up in the last 5 years? because the companies that can make money are being chased by the money that cannot find new investments to do. Few companies have a product and can charge for it. If you know something, if you have a brand or if you have a product that really can improve the life of your customer you will be bid up big time.

When is this party going to end? Usually when the FED or the ECB raises rates and people/savers can choose to earn 1 or 2% in a sure deposit. Now they make zero!

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Always ask about past experience!

segunda-feira, março 16, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

I did a Meniscus repair surgery and the only question i asked my Doctor was how many procedures have you done this year? he said 27. On his career he is approaching 1000. I think that is the only question that matters and that is why the nº1 in any market is a great position to be. More experience = less surprises

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That is enough !

sexta-feira, março 13, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

If Euro stays at 1,05 Germany is going to kill the world. Buy DAX

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If you are rich you don't need to work so hard

sexta-feira, março 13, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

That is a good reason to invest in Africa. The ultimate last frontier

This is the best graph ever produced by Gavekal!

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how to attract the best?

quinta-feira, março 12, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

You have got to attract the brightest and the best, but the brightest and best won't stay unless they see real career options.

To me the brightest and the best care about the project you have. If you are trying just to survive it's difficult to attract good people. If you have a dream, you want to make the world a better place you can even hire the best and not pay much.

So i guess if you don't have a great project where people will participate in building something it's better to pay a big check.

So the lesson is move forward and fast if you want to attract the best.

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Strong material ! Do not open......................

quinta-feira, março 12, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Government is force, pure and simple. There's no way to sugar-coat that. And because government is force, it will attract the worst elements of society - people who want to use government to avoid having to earn their living and to avoid having to persuade others to accept their ideas voluntarily.

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How to pick the right partner? at the beginning you don't.............

quinta-feira, março 12, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Want to know the worst cliché ever coined? Opposites attract. Like most things that are false, it has an element of truth. When people have enough in common, the elements of difference add a certain excitement to things. But overall, who is attractive to you? Whom do you want to spend time with? Are you looking for someone who disagrees with you on everything, has different interests, likes to sleep when you want to play, and likes to play when you want to sleep? You want to be with people who are like you and yet unique.

Anthony Robbins

"What most people call falling in love is really falling in pattern," he says. "Relationships are about getting our own needs met, often on an unconscious basis. In other words, we try to find someone who is complementary to us and can help us learn, heal, and grow."

Paul Cutright, author of You're Never Upset for the Reason You Think

I think it would be impossible to live with someone who disagree with all my beliefs. That i am sure. However i can understand that people from a surviving tradition should pick a partner that completes us and in a sense is different. That should be in our genes. When someone is very tall he or she usually picks someone smaller. If i am a aggressive person i better find someone who can appease me. I believe in Genes and life offer us some problems (fortunately for me not many) so we must choose someone that helps us navigate these problems wisely. 

Even if we feel close with someone (even love that person) if that someone is a big pack to carry on our backs that relationship will not endure.

When we met someone that makes a spark we choose him or her because we are in love, however in a short period of time after we get to know each other this phrase is very important and decides the future of the relationship

In other words, we try to find someone who is complementary to us and can help us learn, heal, and grow

At the beginning we don't choose a partner it's something that happens it's chemistry. But sooner or later we will try to find someone with a future. So in the end we choose who to keep.

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5 Ideas

quinta-feira, março 12, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

1.We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough

Helen Keller

2.I'm not interested in people positioning me next to other artists.

3.Nothing contributes more to one’s success and happiness than carefully chosen associates. Caution in the selection of associates becomes, therefore, the duty of every person who wishes to become happy and successful.
Napoleon Hill

4.Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact

William James

5.In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first: the cash will come later

Harold Geneen

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Smart Greeks! Always complaining but........

quarta-feira, março 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

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No more meatballs !

quarta-feira, março 11, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

A wholesaler in Finland has renamed the meatballs it sells in stores because the meatballs “contain only machine-recovered meat, essentially scraps, which are not defined as meat in Finnish law,” according to the Finnish news service YLE. From now on, the Finnish food giant Kesko’s spheres of unspecified protein—made from “the equivalent of 52 percent meat” from pork and chicken—will simply be called pyöryköitä, which translates to “balls” in English.

I have been almost vegetarian some years ago. I am thinking to go back!

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what !

terça-feira, março 10, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Panos Kammenos, the Greek defence minister, warned that if the eurozone allowed Greece to go bust it would give EU travel papers to illegal immigrants crossing its borders or to the 10,000 currently held in detention centres.

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It's not easy to be depressed!

segunda-feira, março 09, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

I totally agree with Charlie Brown.

Do some sport, walk straight as much as you can and smile. 

All problems will be gone.

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Smart Turks

segunda-feira, março 09, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

What make sense to me is 

1.Rich northern populations moving to Spain, Portugal & Italy. why? Security, cheapness & Sun. Besides it's more fun.(Germans in Greece) With warm weather people live longer.

2.Poor southern populations to move north to make money. (Turks in Germany)

What does not make sense?

1.Romanians move to Spain or Italy. They can't make money and they don't have money to live in Spain or Italy.



Europe by 2nd largest nationality

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Don't take your girl to a cheap restaurant!

quinta-feira, março 05, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

People value more expensive items. So let's give them what they need? how? You cannot price a commodity (indifferent product) very dearly. But if you create something unique about your product you can charge more and people are willing to pay as long as your product is not 100% comparable with the rest.
That is the reason the marketing man is the most important person in a corporation.

One of the strange things about human beings is that they value only that which has a price. The free schools of America, and the free public libraries, do not impress people because they are free. This is a major reason why so many people find it necessary to acquire additional training after they quit school and go to work.

Napoleon Hill 1936

Price is rarely the most important thing. A cheap product might sell some units. Somebody gets it home and they feel great when they pay the money, but then they get it home and use it and the joy is gone.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

You have no idea how expensive it is to look this cheap.

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I don't think this can be true !

quinta-feira, março 05, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Unsold cars waiting to be scraped

I guess they cannot sell those cars at 20,000 USD because if they did why would people buy cars at 100,000 USD !

As I said i don't know if this is true but i have a feeling that Deflation is here to stay. There is oversupply of everything in the world



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I would not bet on Samsung

quarta-feira, março 04, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

iPhone sales have been on a tear recently, while Samsung's smartphone lineup has shown its first real signs of struggle in many years — a trend that led some analysts to believe that Apple had retaken the lead as the world's largest smartphone manufacturer. Now, Gartner, one of the industry's top tracking and research firms, is also claiming victory for Apple. Its latest report indicates that Apple edged out Samsung by selling 74.8 million iPhones, narrowly edging out Samsung's 73 million smartphones sold in Q4 last year.


more about the same:


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First riding lesson

quarta-feira, março 04, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

My son was a bit surprised with my horse! He has to get acquainted.

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terça-feira, março 03, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

I am back on my feet again

spent 2 days at home with my new son helping in my recovery!

Doctor order a bit of Fisio and hope to be back on the bike at day 10 after surgery!

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