You can always go lower!

sexta-feira, julho 31, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments


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It's better to be a poor in a rich country than rich in a poor country!

quarta-feira, julho 29, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Move to a rich country?

As of 2000, for instance, a worker in Mexicoearned a wage 40% that of a Mexican-born worker of similar education and experience working in America.
Most of this wage gap is down to productivity differences, stemming from disparities in the quality of infrastructure, institutions and skills. An individual worker, however talented, cannot hope to replicate the fertile environment of a rich economy all on his own. But transplanting a worker into rich soil can supercharge his productivity. A Mexican worker earns more in the United Statesthan in Mexico because he can produce more, thanks to the quality of US technology and institutions........

Of course if you live in America Housing & eating are much more expensive than in Mexico. However if you make much more money the experience shows that you can save & live better. Why? because in America only if you pay people to service you you pay a lot, if you go to the supermarket is very cheap. Cheaper than in MEXICO.

and on top of all  a poor in America can access services, books education etc.... much better than in a poor country. You should live near rich people even if you are not rich. You will close the gap one day. If you don't your kids will.

Conclusion: Move to a rich country

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Design is overrated

quarta-feira, julho 29, 2015 David Barradas 1 Comments

If you don't care about Design you can live cheaply! The problem is to find a woman that is happy to go to the good food low price restaurant vs the high priced design and almost no food in the plate trendy restaurant.

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At last.....................

terça-feira, julho 28, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Accenture To Nix Performance Reviews And Rankings For All 330,000 Employees

Company joins the ranks of several other big-name firms that have similarly overhauled employee review systems in recent years.

Accenture CEO Pierre Nanterme told The Washington Post that starting in September, the performance of the company’s 330,000 staffers will no longer be judged based on company rankings and annual evaluations. Instead, the professional services firm will implement “a more fluid system, in which employees receive timely feedback from their managers on an ongoing basis following assignments

From FT

My suggestion is even simpler — to replace annual appraisals with nothing at all. Hire only managers who are able to manage, and who are good at telling people how they are doing, not once a week but all the time. If they aren’t up for this, they should not be made managers. If they are up to it, they don’t need an appraisal system as a crutch. They are better without one.
Twitter: @lucykellaway

Why do companies spend so many hours and money doing a annual appraisals? Because many bosses don't want to be bosses just want to get the money and the position. To be a good boss is a demanding position. You must try to improve the people you have every day. 

The most idiotic situation is when the annual appraisal is a big surprise to the employee. when that is the case we have a bad boss.

Every guy who’s really successful at anything wakes up and says, ‘How can I do this better?

Curtis Macnguyen, IVORY Capital

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2 Pics from this weekend ride

terça-feira, julho 28, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

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5 Ideas + 1

sexta-feira, julho 10, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Whatever you are, be a good one.
Abraham Lincoln

Actually, capitalism and competition are opposites. Capitalism is premised on the accumulation of capital, but under perfect competition, all profits get competed away. The lesson for entrepreneurs is clear: If you want to create and capture lasting value, don't build an undifferentiated commodity business.

Peter Thiel

I'd like to live as a poor man with lots of money
Pablo Picasso 

The strength of your handshake predicts the length of your life

The Economist

Every guy who’s really successful at anything wakes up and says, ‘How can I do this better?

Curtis Macnguyen, IVORY Capital

one more

Well done is better than well said.

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No More BMW's

terça-feira, julho 07, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

To have your own Currency!

If you have less productivity that your  neighbor and you have a single currency slowly but surely everything will be produced by your neighbor. 

In 30 years almost nothing is going to be produced in Greece.

When a country joins a common currency area if you have low productivity you are condemning your people to stay unemployed in the long run. Slowly but surely.

What is the advantage of having your own currency? you can devalue and keep people working.

In the Eurozone Greece will have Tourism, olives & olive oil. That's it. Not even Feta cheese is going to be produced in Greece! To expensive.

In a sense Europe should pay a bit to keep  Greece inside because they could do well outside the Eurozone. It could be a bad precedent. If they devalue the Drachma they could keep some industries working.

However if they have their own Drachma there will be no more BMW's

More about the same:

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From Victory to Victory until Bankrupcy

segunda-feira, julho 06, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Greek Supermarkets Begin To Resemble Those Of Venezuela

I wasn't expected a vote at all in Greece. I was wrong.

If there was a vote i thought Greeks would say they would vote NO but at the end they would vote YES on the idea that they need someone to pay the tab. Here too I was wrong.

Now what? 

my way of thinking is this (Note i have been wrong big time). They can cut pensions and have an agreement with the creditors and have some money or they can have no deal with creditors and stop paying pensions at all.

They are acting like they have nothing to lose! I think they have a lot to lose, supermarkets are starting to look like Venezuela.

The idea of shooting yourself in the foot doesn't make sense but i am not Greek.

They party like crazy yesterday in Greece. Let's see for how long

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I am a boring person

quinta-feira, julho 02, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. — Leonardo da Vinci

from Scott Adams, How to fail at almost everything and still win BIG

Some people are what I call simplifiers and some are optimizers.  A simplifier will prefer the easy way to accomplish a task, while knowing that some amount of extra effort might have produced a better outcome.  An optimizer looks for the very best solution even if the extra complexity increases the odds of unexpected problems

My wife, Shelly, is a world-class optimizer.  I, on the other hand, cling to simplicity like a monkey on a coconut.  As I write this chapter, we have plants tonight for a simple dinner thirty minutes from home followed by a movie that is near the restaurant.  We’ll stop to pick up our friends who conveniently live on the shortest path to our destination.  Once we get to the restaurant, we won’t even need to move the car.  Parking will be easy, the drive will avoid all rush-hour traffic, and the timing will allow for a leisurely evening with no worried.  I, the simplifier, made these plans.

In about an hour, the optimizer in the family will return home from whatever she is optimizing and potentially introduce several changes to my plan.  If the changes work, our evening will be even better than I imagined, or perhaps more productive.  That’s great!  But the changes will also introduce new opportunities for things to go wrong.  This balance works well for Shelly because she has nerves of steel.  I’m more like a squirrel that wandered into a monster-truck rally.  I don’t have the constitution to optimize.

The cost of optimizing is that it’s exhausting and stress inducing, at least for people like me.  Sometimes, I think I’m literally going to have a heart attack from all of the optimizing.  It also requires full concentration.  I prefer simple, foolproof plans that allow my heart to beat normally and my mind to wander toward blissful thoughts of puppies and rose petals..

My god i couldn't say it better! It must be like this in every house.

I am a boring guy! I only have white dress shirts from Brooks Brothers, I use almost only black ties, i use dark blue suits, Italian Shoes and i arrive on time for everything, i don't pile up appointments and i don't multitask.

I love to read and think. I love my work. I like to walk and do sports. I do serious sports.

I don't need to do everything. I don't optimize at all.

i love peace and quiet. I can do nothing for a while.

I am in the same boat as Scott Adams

I am a boring person i guess

Here is a pic of me my son Manuel and my coach, Nuno Sabido in the middle. This is a wonderful way of spending a summer morning without going to the beach and getting a lot of traffic! 3 hours Mountain biking without stopping. Sometimes i can do 5 or 6 hours. It's even better.

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How can a country that NO means YES can work?

quinta-feira, julho 02, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

NEI = Yes !

In Greece NEI very similar to NO or Não in Portuguese mean yes. 

How can a country the the word no means yes can work?

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Money does not make you happy but it quiets the nerves.

quinta-feira, julho 02, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Money does not make you happy but it quiets the nerves.
Sean O'Casey

Banks are closed for some days when the reopen what would you do?  

Greece is not going back to normal. Confidence is destroyed very easily and in Greece the Government just did it . They will be poorer than they thought imaginable.

Why? Because life is much easier when people cooperate and when people have confidence. Once people get concerned and suspicious they start behaving strangely and less and less is done. People for some time will not trust the banks.

I don't know why Tsipras is laughing 

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A way out for Tsipras.................

quarta-feira, julho 01, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Greece can not organize a Referendum is such short notice

Europe is trying to save his face

Something is going to happen in the next 2 days for Tsipras to announce that Europe doesn't allow them to do the Democratic Referendum!

Europe is going to save Tsipras from Humiliation

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