No More BMW's

terça-feira, julho 07, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

To have your own Currency!

If you have less productivity that your  neighbor and you have a single currency slowly but surely everything will be produced by your neighbor. 

In 30 years almost nothing is going to be produced in Greece.

When a country joins a common currency area if you have low productivity you are condemning your people to stay unemployed in the long run. Slowly but surely.

What is the advantage of having your own currency? you can devalue and keep people working.

In the Eurozone Greece will have Tourism, olives & olive oil. That's it. Not even Feta cheese is going to be produced in Greece! To expensive.

In a sense Europe should pay a bit to keep  Greece inside because they could do well outside the Eurozone. It could be a bad precedent. If they devalue the Drachma they could keep some industries working.

However if they have their own Drachma there will be no more BMW's

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