It's better to be a poor in a rich country than rich in a poor country!

quarta-feira, julho 29, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Move to a rich country?

As of 2000, for instance, a worker in Mexicoearned a wage 40% that of a Mexican-born worker of similar education and experience working in America.
Most of this wage gap is down to productivity differences, stemming from disparities in the quality of infrastructure, institutions and skills. An individual worker, however talented, cannot hope to replicate the fertile environment of a rich economy all on his own. But transplanting a worker into rich soil can supercharge his productivity. A Mexican worker earns more in the United Statesthan in Mexico because he can produce more, thanks to the quality of US technology and institutions........

Of course if you live in America Housing & eating are much more expensive than in Mexico. However if you make much more money the experience shows that you can save & live better. Why? because in America only if you pay people to service you you pay a lot, if you go to the supermarket is very cheap. Cheaper than in MEXICO.

and on top of all  a poor in America can access services, books education etc.... much better than in a poor country. You should live near rich people even if you are not rich. You will close the gap one day. If you don't your kids will.

Conclusion: Move to a rich country

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