I am a boring person

quinta-feira, julho 02, 2015 David Barradas 0 Comments

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. — Leonardo da Vinci

from Scott Adams, How to fail at almost everything and still win BIG

Some people are what I call simplifiers and some are optimizers.  A simplifier will prefer the easy way to accomplish a task, while knowing that some amount of extra effort might have produced a better outcome.  An optimizer looks for the very best solution even if the extra complexity increases the odds of unexpected problems

My wife, Shelly, is a world-class optimizer.  I, on the other hand, cling to simplicity like a monkey on a coconut.  As I write this chapter, we have plants tonight for a simple dinner thirty minutes from home followed by a movie that is near the restaurant.  We’ll stop to pick up our friends who conveniently live on the shortest path to our destination.  Once we get to the restaurant, we won’t even need to move the car.  Parking will be easy, the drive will avoid all rush-hour traffic, and the timing will allow for a leisurely evening with no worried.  I, the simplifier, made these plans.

In about an hour, the optimizer in the family will return home from whatever she is optimizing and potentially introduce several changes to my plan.  If the changes work, our evening will be even better than I imagined, or perhaps more productive.  That’s great!  But the changes will also introduce new opportunities for things to go wrong.  This balance works well for Shelly because she has nerves of steel.  I’m more like a squirrel that wandered into a monster-truck rally.  I don’t have the constitution to optimize.

The cost of optimizing is that it’s exhausting and stress inducing, at least for people like me.  Sometimes, I think I’m literally going to have a heart attack from all of the optimizing.  It also requires full concentration.  I prefer simple, foolproof plans that allow my heart to beat normally and my mind to wander toward blissful thoughts of puppies and rose petals..

My god i couldn't say it better! It must be like this in every house.

I am a boring guy! I only have white dress shirts from Brooks Brothers, I use almost only black ties, i use dark blue suits, Italian Shoes and i arrive on time for everything, i don't pile up appointments and i don't multitask.

I love to read and think. I love my work. I like to walk and do sports. I do serious sports.

I don't need to do everything. I don't optimize at all.

i love peace and quiet. I can do nothing for a while.

I am in the same boat as Scott Adams

I am a boring person i guess

Here is a pic of me my son Manuel and my coach, Nuno Sabido in the middle. This is a wonderful way of spending a summer morning without going to the beach and getting a lot of traffic! 3 hours Mountain biking without stopping. Sometimes i can do 5 or 6 hours. It's even better.

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