Democracy does not work

quarta-feira, março 02, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

Democracy is the road to socialism. 

Karl Marx

In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme.


I guess with QE, which is a program where European central bank is buying bonds in the market and driving interest rates to zero, oil down and the eur /USD falling Europe is going to continue to recover slowly.

I said slowly because after 7 year after the crisis (2008) unemployment is still much higher than before the crisis. why is this the case? 

Because joke candidates are gaining ground. Syriza, Podemos, BE in Portugal, Marine Le Pen etc.... People are playing with fire and they are going to get fire.

Even in America TRUMP is a possibility.

When these populist candidates get to power they kill growth with stupid rules and regulations. 

as the GE CEO says in his annual letter

"Technology, productivity and globalization have been the driving forces during my business career. In business, if you don't lead these changes, you get fired; in politics if you don't fight them, you can't get elected. As a result, most government policy is anti-growth," noted Immelt in the annual report. 

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