The best you can do for yourself

quinta-feira, março 03, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the Economist

A run a day keeps the tumour at bay

AMPLE evidence shows that exercising regularly reduces the risk of cancer. Similarly, those who have survived the disease are less likely to see it return if they engage in lots of physical activity after treatment. All this suggests that such activity triggers a reaction in the body which somehow thwarts cancer cells, but the details of the process have remained murky. Now, a team led by Pernille Hojman at Copenhagen University Hospital, in Denmark, has reported in Cell Metabolism that the key to the mystery is adrenalin.

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As you can read above exercise reduces the risk of cancer and it's the best for the brain. On top of that my view of the world is that people do business with people they like on the first look. in an interview you pick your candidate at first look and then you find out why? Looks mater and mater a lot. CR7 makes more money from his abs than from his feet.

From WSJ, Most people assume being good-looking gives you a career boost. But just how much does it help? 

A lot. Good-looking people charm interviewers, get hired faster, are more likely to make more sales and get 

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