how to get better? Move to a big city

segunda-feira, março 28, 2016 David Barradas 0 Comments

From the Economist,

Cities have long been the most productive places to do business, because they bring firms, customers and workers closer together. A banker in New York is only a taxi ride away from her clients; a new restaurant there immediately has 8.4m potential customers on its doorstep. Where clever people congregate, innovation results.

For the most successful cities, these advantages seem to be getting bigger. In 2001 the richest 50 cities and their surroundings produced 27% more per head than America as a whole. Today’s richest cities make 34% more.

I guess it's obvious that you produce more & earn more if you live in a big city. also you have more choice from a gym to a girl or boyfriend. Everything is easier from learning a new language, to listen cheaply to JAZZ etc...

With all this advantages what is the downside? Housing is very expensive and people compensate living in really small apartments.

I don't see this trend to reverse. As a business build cheap housing with small areas in the city center. There will be demand for that.

There is one big downside on living in a big city. You are a specialist and you depend on the system for everything. If the power grid goes down you are helpless. you can't use your lift to get out of the building, you stay without water and pretty soon there are going to be riots & violence.

To live in a city is very efficient but you are a sitting duck. You are a specialist you only know about something very narrow. It's scary but it's the best option.

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