How to help yourself?
segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013
David Barradas
segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
When You Are Good To Others, You Are Best To Yourself
- Benjamin Franklin
Of course it's a top
segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013
David Barradas
segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
One day Solar will be competitive
segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013
David Barradas
segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
[T]he US DOE actually tries to calculate the cost of various energy sources using a complicated levelized cost model. See For power plants coming on line in 2017, their nationwide average estimates in $/MWH are:
Conventional Coal: 98
Convenional CC Gas: 66
Solar PV: 153
On average, PV has a ways to go. However, the lowest regional cost of PV is 119, while the highest regional cost of coal is 115 and advanced nuclear is 119.
So there are probably places today where PV is cost competitive. But the market can surely figure this out at least as well as the government.If these numbers are right, it means that we are just now hitting the point where solar power makes economic sense in a few places without any government subsidies. That's pretty amazing, if you ask me. I wonder how many of those places there will be in 7 years...
From Noah Smith
One thing i never figured out is this, if a Solar Panel cost USD 100,000 but lasts forever i can make power every day and one day in year 37 the amount i saved every month equals USD 100,000. I would like to know how are this numbers today? how many years do Solar Panels can keep running without big maintenance? how much can i recover from the initial cost every year? etc....
Biggest Wave Evert Surfed 2013
segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013
David Barradas
By Garrett McNamara in North Canyon , Nazaré Portugal (This Monday)segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
I don't see where is the jet-sky guy!
segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013
David Barradas
segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
domingo, janeiro 27, 2013
David Barradas
Rarissime!!!domingo, janeiro 27, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Aujourd'hui, il faisait tellement froid, j'ai vu un politicien avec les mains dans ses propres poches!!!
Happiness is from within
domingo, janeiro 20, 2013
David Barradas
“A man is not hurt so much by what happens, as by his opinion of what happens.”domingo, janeiro 20, 2013 David Barradas 1 Comments
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Our life is what our thoughts make it, Marcus Aurelius
domingo, janeiro 20, 2013
David Barradas
domingo, janeiro 20, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Just for Today
Quality vs Quantity
domingo, janeiro 20, 2013
David Barradas
Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. And perfect perfect perfect practice make super-duper ultra-perfect.domingo, janeiro 20, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Roy Zornow,Training Insights From Star Athletes
I will need to improve here, sometimes i train hard and deep, but some times i just relax and do some nice (low intensity) bike rides. I have improved a lot since i work with my coach Nuno Sabido. Perhaps i could do even better!
Still living with their parents
domingo, janeiro 20, 2013
David Barradas
Well i lived in my mothers home until i was expelled. I already had my own flat but kept eating and sleeping in my mothers house. domingo, janeiro 20, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
domingo, janeiro 20, 2013
David Barradas
It's not always the case but we might get a correction in stock's soon.domingo, janeiro 20, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
The end of a certain world
terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2013
David Barradas
There is a real risk that we are not just at the end of extraordinary economic cycle but perhaps the end of an economic, business and even social model, crowded with speculative leverage and Ponzi schemes supported by Governments in the West. From the pension bomb and other welfare models, to unsustainable energy and utility models, there is a great fundamental weakness in the funding mechanism that supports our standards of living.terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
The Abaco Finantials Fund
PS I agree with this analysis, with the pension bomb (People were promised pensions that can not easily be financed) The way out is to say that you are not going to get what you were promised or to print the way out. If it's the later one day you will figure out that the paper money is worthless. I don't know how long we could carry on. The way to proceed is to let the markets tell the story and react ASAP.
My share of the pie
terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2013
David Barradas
In an interview (April 16, 2012, along with Larry Bird) on the David Letterman Show, Magic Johnson made a great comment, that what made the Lakers so great back then was that ‘the goal was not to score, but to win.’ In other words, individual scores didn’t matter as much as playing as a team to win. I think all the members of US Congress should consider watching that interview and think about Magic’s point. Similar, it seems that people these days focus more on their share of the pie, rather than the overall size of the pie… They might also want to consider Magic Johnson’s point. terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Stephen L Jen (London)
January 10, 2013
Constancy of purpose.
terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2013
David Barradas
terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
The fools who write articles about me think that one morning I suddenly decided to write and began to produce masterpieces.
There is no special trick about writing or painting either. I wrote constantly for 15 years before I produced anything with any solidity to it.
The thing of course, is to make yourself alive. Most people remain all of their lives in a stupor.
The point of being an artist is that you may live.
Sherwood Anderson, April 1927
Most people just drift
terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2013
David Barradas
terça-feira, janeiro 15, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
The Fool does it in the end
segunda-feira, janeiro 14, 2013
David Barradas
segunda-feira, janeiro 14, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
No risk is very risky
segunda-feira, janeiro 14, 2013
David Barradas
segunda-feira, janeiro 14, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Regulation makes people feel safer than they should
segunda-feira, janeiro 14, 2013
David Barradas
segunda-feira, janeiro 14, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
When all traffic controls were removed from the town of Drachten, Holland, traffic flow
doubled and fatal accidents fell to zero, presumably because people drove more carefully.
(Dylan Grice, Societe Generale)
So the lesson is clear: it’s not asset quality that determines investment risk.
segunda-feira, janeiro 14, 2013
David Barradas
segunda-feira, janeiro 14, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Everyday is a new day
quinta-feira, janeiro 10, 2013
David Barradas
quinta-feira, janeiro 10, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games.
Babe Ruth
quarta-feira, janeiro 09, 2013
David Barradas
Today before breakfast i weighted 72,6 kg.quarta-feira, janeiro 09, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
How is it possible that i weighted 75 kg yesterday and now almost 2,5 kg less in 1 day
I cut on the carbs yesterday big time
When you cut the carbs you lose some water too.
Yesterday and today are going to be zero carb days
Yesterday i ate ratatouille & black beans for breakfast with Earl Grey tea
I had a lunch in a very good restaurant and i ate
cheese (no bread)
some hummus & some salami
ate 2 rucula salads with Parmesan
drank 2 glasses of red wine
I eat nothing all afternoon
I did 2 hours workout from 6 to 8 pm, low intensity
For dinner i ate soup & one salad
after training normally i am not hungry so i don't eat a lot
I want to go to 70 kg because the day before a race day i eat a lot of carbs and i gain 1 ou 2 kg with water. This season i would like to race with 71 or 72 kg max.
In order to do that i need to stabilize at 68 to 70 kg.
In this picture i was with 78 kg.
USA is doing the homework?
terça-feira, janeiro 08, 2013
David Barradas
terça-feira, janeiro 08, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Why i don't live in a farm? yet
terça-feira, janeiro 08, 2013
David Barradas
terça-feira, janeiro 08, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
The Greek island of old age
Never give up
terça-feira, janeiro 08, 2013
David Barradas
terça-feira, janeiro 08, 2013 David Barradas 1 Comments
Supply & Demand (as always)
segunda-feira, janeiro 07, 2013
David Barradas
Even for more seasoned grads the trend is similar, says Katie Bardaro, lead economist for "In general, it seems that M.B.A. pay is either stagnant or falling," she says.segunda-feira, janeiro 07, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Ps If there are very few people with an MBA in your country you can take one. Otherwise since you learn nothing useful in an MBA , don't. Unless someone pays for it. Learn something no one knows.
segunda-feira, janeiro 07, 2013
David Barradas
A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.segunda-feira, janeiro 07, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Charles M. Schwab
Crash of 1987 (19th of october 500 points)
domingo, janeiro 06, 2013
David Barradas
domingo, janeiro 06, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Positive Sign
domingo, janeiro 06, 2013
David Barradas
domingo, janeiro 06, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Market Bottom
domingo, janeiro 06, 2013
David Barradas
domingo, janeiro 06, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
How to Gain or Lose 30 Minutes of Life Every Day
quinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2013
David Barradas
quinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Do difficult things!
quinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2013
David Barradas
quinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
quinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2013
David Barradas
Hire Right, Because the Penalties of Hiring Wrong Are Hugequinta-feira, janeiro 03, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
Ray Dalio, Principle nº52
PS The best management system i have seen is from the Jesuits, where they train hard (from St. Ignatius' "Spiritual Exercises", whose purpose is "to conquer oneself and to regulate one's life in such a way that no decision is made under the influence of any inordinate attachment) and then they let them go and do their work. Instead of hiring a lot and keep a leach in their members. I like this system.
There are two types of successful people in this business
quarta-feira, janeiro 02, 2013
David Barradas
quarta-feira, janeiro 02, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
The only power evil has is the power to destroy itself
quarta-feira, janeiro 02, 2013
David Barradas
quarta-feira, janeiro 02, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
What is your job?
terça-feira, janeiro 01, 2013
David Barradas
terça-feira, janeiro 01, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
terça-feira, janeiro 01, 2013
David Barradas
“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” terça-feira, janeiro 01, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments
― Coco Chanel
terça-feira, janeiro 01, 2013
David Barradas
terça-feira, janeiro 01, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

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- Another Big Wave in Portugal
- How to help yourself?
- Of course it's a top
- One day Solar will be competitive
- Biggest Wave Evert Surfed 2013
- Lance
- Rarissime!!!
- That's it
- Happiness is from within
- Our life is what our thoughts make it, Marcus Aure...
- Quality vs Quantity
- Still living with their parents
- Stocks
- The end of a certain world
- My share of the pie
- Constancy of purpose.
- Most people just drift
- The Fool does it in the end
- No risk is very risky
- Regulation makes people feel safer than they should
- So the lesson is clear: it’s not asset quality tha...
- Everyday is a new day
- Diet
- USA is doing the homework?
- Why i don't live in a farm? yet
- Never give up
- Supply & Demand (as always)
- Passion
- Crash of 1987 (19th of october 500 points)
- Positive Sign
- Market Bottom
- How to Gain or Lose 30 Minutes of Life Every Day
- Do difficult things!
- Hiring
- There are two types of successful people in this b...
- The only power evil has is the power to destroy it...
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- Irreplaceable!
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