
terça-feira, janeiro 01, 2013 David Barradas 0 Comments

Nassim Taleb explains the (old, wise) idea of a barbell, or bimodal, strategy as it applies to investments as so: The lion’s share should be allocated extremely conservatively, while the small remaining proportion (perhaps ten percent) should be allocated to the risky business.

That way, roughly ninety percent of the portfolio is (actually) safe, while, therefore, at most ten percent may be lost and much more may be gained.

PS Good point here if you want to make 5% you should put the bulk of your  money in safe asset's that can pay 2% and 10% in "crazy" investments that can pay more than 30%. Why is this wise? Because when you buy a Mezzanine product (Nice name that says a little risk) that is designed to pay 5% when there is a crisis (1998,2008, etc...) there is a big migration and the Mezzanine is no longer low risk! 

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